Could that Spot Be Skin Cancer? ~ Holistic Dermatology

Could that Spot Be Skin Cancer?

Itching is caused often by allergic reaction, and sometimes by various chemicals that set off a reaction. For instance, various kinds of bites from insects, various kinds of plants that cause allergic contact dermatitis like poison ivy. So when you have itching it’s a sign that something is going on that needs to be remedied or avoided. And it’s really important to think back about what was going on when the itching started and what was going on the few days before the itching began in case it was something you contacted that you contacted which set it off with a delayed response.

So, finding out the cause of an itch is a detective game that you are the deputy detective in, and you need to start looking back at what was going on, and put that information together so you can present it to your doctor or you dermatologist.

Now if this has been a complex long term problem, it can take some real serious detective work, and this is when digging in deeper to the causes can make a real difference, using holistic dermatology.

How Does Your Dermatologist Know if it’s Skin Cancer?

How Does Your Dermatologist Know if it’s Skin Cancer?

What are the dangers of diagnosing your own skin problem? Well, the first point is you may get the wrong diagnosis. Not good if you have melanoma. Or basal cell carcinoma. You might be trying to link it up to some picture on the Internet or something you saw in a book and just be off.

You might, as a result, have some condition that gets worse before it has a chance to be taken care of properly. The second point is that when a dermatologist looks at the skin condition, he thinks there are a number of different possibilities. It may be that one of the possibilities is that it’s lower on the list that you might miss when you’re looking online.

There is always the possibility that the skin condition might partake of more than one actual diagnosis and may have something in between. Finally, it’s possible that there are underlying problems that are involved that you will miss when you just come across the name of a condition. This is something where somebody who takes a more integrated or holistic viewpoint can be very helpful.

How to Stop Your Skin from Aging and Wrinkling ~ Ultimate Natural Skincare

How to stop your skin from aging and wrinkling

It is important to know that one of the most controllable and serious contributors to skin aging is sun exposure and it is the most preventable one as well. Of course, there are other things like exposure to cigarette smoke or smoking itself that can aggravate skin cancer. It is a combination buildup of free radical damage from sources like smoking and the sun which together make more aging. It is really important to protect yourself from the sun directly and to keep from getting burned. A little bit of sun exposure to make vitamin D is fine.

A little bit of color, some people feel is okay, like me. It is important to use protective devices. Some of those devices include hats and I would like to show you several different kinds. You want to bring the protection all around. If you want a radically broader band, you can use a really wide band, but remember, just a baseball cap is not sufficient.

There are also specialty hats that work when you are kayaking or surfboarding. There are hats that can be worn when you are swimming, diving and snorkeling, so you protect your head from excessive sun exposure. Get some protective hats and clothing and make sure you protect yourself.

3 Potential Dangers of Sunscreen ~ Best Natural Skincare

3 Potential Dangers of Sunscreen

First of all, there may be some hormonal activity in sunscreens that could cause problems later on influencing how your body is given hormones and possibility causing cancer in the future.

Second of all, some sunscreens can cause a photo allergic reaction if you happen to be the wrong type and those sunscreens interact with you.

The third thing that sun screen can cause is some tendency to stay in the sun too long. Some people put on sunscreens, stay out on the beach for six or eight hours and although they don’t burn, they had dangerous rays that are entering the skin and could cause harmful tumors like melanoma.