What does Breastfeeding have to do with Eczema? ~ Integrative Dermatology

What does Breastfeeding have to do with Eczema?

I’d like to talk a little bit about breastfeeding and eczema and what it has to do with Integrative Dermatology. The whole idea of eczema is to try to reduce the allergies that are coming to the infant that would be coming if you fed all different kinds of foods that come from the table. And the idea being that the infant is adapted to having breast milk as a much gentler much healthier, much less allergy containing food than saying giving cow’s milk or soy milk or something like that.

So what you really want to do is have a less allergenic product to feed the baby with. Now here is the problem, if you have allergies coming out into your breast milk, then that could aggravate the baby. And how would that happen? That could happen if you have a problem known as “leaky gut”, which means there is a defective barrier between your intestines and your bloodstream. So that food substances that aren’t completely broken down get out into the blood and get into the breast milk and cause allergies in the baby.

And this problem, this leaky gut seems to be more and more common. Why is it more common? Because lots of people are eating huge amounts of sugar. The American public eats 150 pounds of sugar per person per year. So that’s a lot, it creeps into all of our different foods, and of course it’s tasty. And the problem is we have a lot of yeasty food, bread, wine, beer and fungal related foods are cheese and mushrooms.

All of those convince the immune system in the gut to allow more yeast to grow, more yeast causes more inflammation, more inflammation causes more leakage across the membrane disruption of the barrier. And all of these substances get in that shouldn’t get in. Now if they were completely broken down to amino acids, that wouldn’t be a problem.

But also we have problems with digestion, so the combination of digestive problems, inflammation from overgrowth of the wrong organisms like yeast  And the foods that may also be allergens;  potent allergens like milk and gluten, all these things together can lead to leakage across the gut. And by the way gluten itself can cause leakage. So all that combined allows things to leak across and get into the blood stream. And into the milk, and therefore a lot of the babies breastfeeding are getting the allergens you are trying to avoid in the first place.

So it’s really important to fix leaky gut before you get pregnant. Because you don’t want to correct your digestive system when you got a baby growing in there. So we have a big problem in the world today of too many pregnant women with leaky gut leading to too many allergens getting across to the babies even in breast milk, and too many allergies, so that babies are born with eczema in higher and higher numbers.

Can Juicing Clear Your Skin? Best Organic Skincare.

Can Juicing Clear Your Skin?

Let’s talk about vegetable juicing and healing of skin diseases. Now vegetable juicing can be tremendously useful in a short period of time in helping, not only skin diseases, but  a lot of other inflammatory disorder, and even cancer. One of the things when you have vegetable juices is that, you have a tremendous amount of certain substances that you get in only small amounts that in the usual diet.

So the first thing is lots of chlorophyll. The second thing is that vegetables have  a lot of minerals that are bound in a way that is very useful to the body and they have a lot of enzymes because you are breaking down that food very rapidly and then drinking it immediately afterwards.

So it can be tremendously beneficial in those ways. And all of that releases inside the cells which is a large amount of potassium as opposed to the large amount of sodium that we normally get in our diet when we break the cells a part of our food and then add salt. So you get a high potassium, and you also get a high degree of alkalinity.

So this alkalinizes the blood and you can test that by testing your urine or your saliva, and you’ll find out that if you have been on an alkaline diet, you usually can have much more saliva and urine. And that’s because you are alkalinizing your blood more. This is all more very favorable. The issue with this is that you have two other things to consider. Many of the places that make juices throw in apple and throw in beats, and throw in carrots. And if you use a lot of that, it tastes better and actually makes it palatable, but if you use too much, you are getting too much sugar.

Second thing is there is very little roughage, and some people need more roughage to act as a prebiotic to help grow normal bacteria. And the third thing is of course you are not getting much protein. And the fourth thing is, that you can’t maintain this diet in most normal lifestyles for a long time. So this is good as part of a shift, as part of a cleanse but it’s a hard diet to sustain. And it is a good way to make a change over and to get somebody healthy who has been a mess beforehand. But it has to be put into the context of a bigger program.

What You Don’t Know about Probiotics ~ Integrative Medicine

What You Don’t Know about Probiotics

Let’s talk a little bit about probiotics. Probiotics are kinds of bacteria that influence a healthier population of bacteria inside your intestines. Now, you know we have roughly 30 to 100 trillion cells in our bodies and inside our intestinal tract. We have also another 30 to 100 trillion cells. Now these numbers may be off by as much as 10 fold but there all in that same ball park.

That means we have an enormous number of different bacteria living in our intestinal tract, and they live with us they are not just followers they are part of us because they keep reproducing they alter various kinds of molecules that we have in our bodies like hormones. They produce various vitamins. They are part of us and they’re what we would say synergistic with our lives. And if we eat the wrong things we start developing the wrong kinds of organisms. And that can cause all kinds of problems from obesity to hormonal dis-regulation to inflammation.

So if we have those kind of conditions we need to bring back a more normal population. And they are two ways to do that one of them is to begin to introduce bacteria that help restore normal population and the second thing is to add various kinds of foods that support a more normal bacterial population. The simple thing is what your grandma said eat lots of vegetables. Because these have different kinds of soluble and insoluble fibers that favor a variety of normal organisms living in your intestinal tract.

I skip a couple of steps here because if somebody is really …you also have to get rid of the improper organisms. Sometimes by identifying them with test, or other times just by using various kinds of things that get rid of yeast, or other things that you have a high suspicion of being present by the rest of your history.

Now, getting rid of the wrong organisms and ten adding a proper bacteria and then adding what those bacteria should be growing on which we call Probiotic can be very helpful. Probiotics are soluble fiber, being things like juice and various kinds of vegetables that make a nice balanced diet. So, when you want to get your gut back to normal you need to eat more normally and you need to use Probiotic and Prebiotic in your food and in addition.