Are Toxins Making You Fat? Time for a natural cleanse or detoxification.

Are Toxins Making You Fat? Time for a natural cleanse or detoxification.

Could toxins be contributing to your weight gain and to your difficulty in losing weight? Well, I think they are very likely. Let’s just talk about a few different ways in which they can.

First of all, we use a lot of different pesticides and preservatives in your food supply. And unless you are eating 100% pure foods that have been grown away from civilization, you probably have accumulated a lot of those.

Also from automobile exhaust, from various kinds of paints and chemicals that are used around the home and at work for spraying, for insecticides, and all sorts of industrial locations, even if you don’t spray at home.

All of these are sources of toxins that get into your environment, and into your body. And many of them are fat soluble. So that means they are stored in the compartment of your body. So when you start losing weight and fat cells break down and release the fat, what happens to the toxins that dissolve there?

Well, in the old days, fat reduction programs usually consisted of taking diet pills and drinking diet Tab. And smoking. And were accompanied by headaches and feeling bad. And why is that? It’s because you are concentrating those toxins and body has to deal with them and some of them are going to the brain and causing you to feel lousy.

Many of the weight loss programs today involve detoxification preparations that enhance the removal of fat toxins from the body. They support the livers and the kidneys, there are herbs that are used traditionally for that purpose for centuries, and those are incorporated in some of those diet systems.

Other sources of toxins include the bacteria that live in our large intestine, especially in abnormal bacteria that can back up into the small intestine, and get out through a leaky gut. Those kinds of toxins often cause some persons to have fatigue and not to feel good. And they may also be part of bloating and other disorders. So there are a number of totally different sources of toxins that are involved in the body.

Finally, there are heavy metals that are involved in our home environment including arsenic and cadmium and other metal toxins that have the ability to compete with the normal methods that are present in our enzyme systems which break down various substances and are part of our entire metabolic cycle. So if those enzymes get gummed up with toxic minerals, they just don’t work right. And then we begin to build up all the by-products that should have been converted and disposed of by our system. Still another way in which toxins can really mess up our system.

It is important to identify the issue so that we can use the proper means for removal. In any case, it’s really helpful to have somebody who knows what they are doing, both in taking your history, looking at you and  in doing testing in order to identify and help you get rid of the toxins that are in your body that are causing you to have difficulty losing weight and to not feel your normal self.

Uncommon Skin Diseases that are Hard to Treat ~ Integrative Dermatology

Uncommon Skin Diseases that are Hard to Treat

Interviewer:   So, tell us about some of the most difficult cases you have solved–uncommon skin diseases and unexplained rashes–with integrative dermatology.

Dr. Dattner:   Well, I remember once having a farmer whose scalp is always breaking out with pustuals and inflammations. I had to treat him with steroids and antibiotics just to get him under control repeatedly and then I found out that he was getting sprayed with the pesticides.  I started thinking now why would the scalp break out with pustuals and all these and I was thinking maybe the body as a response of trying to get rid of these neurotoxic substances so they don’t go into that other fat containing organ in the brain.

Interviewer:   Yeah!

Dr. Dattner:   So, I got him away from the pesticides and I used a cleansing tea. You came and you made a gallon of this stuff, it was really a potent cleansing tea and it cleared it up.

Interviewer:   Amazing, I mean it’s amazing, but it happens. I know you see even more than that one case you see one….

Dr. Dattner:   Yeah, and unfortunately he confirmed that this was the case by his son who had to do something for the neighbor. His son, I think, sprayed it again and he got the spray on him and he broke out again and he cleared again with it. So the P value, the likelihood that this was really doing it, increased tremendously. I wouldn’t have done that experiment myself, but he did it accidentally.

Interviewer:   Accidentally, sure.

Dr. Dattner:   So that’s an example of the kind of things I treat…

Interviewer:   Yeah, again inside out, always.

Dr. Dattner:   Recently I had a patient who came in, now sometimes it takes a long time to get acne under control, but I had a patient who came in, who had been having a lot of sugar and whatnot and she had cystic acne all over her face. In a month she came back. She was dramatically better.

Absolute Best Protection Against Skin Cancer ~ Best Natural Skincare

Absolute best protection against skin cancer

The best protection against skin cancer is to protect yourself against sunburns. Sun exposure, even without burning, could possibly contribute to that, but the worst is to use sun exposures and have so much damage that the skin can’t handle it, which usually results in redness and irritations of sunburn. In order to do that, you really need to use more than just the sunscreen.

You need to time your outdoor activities if you are fair skinned, so that you are outside before 10 or 11 in the morning or after 4 in the afternoon. It is also important to be under shade such as an umbrella or overhang of a building and also to use sun protective clothing because that protects better than sunscreens.

Sunscreens should be used in addition to protecting against the reflected light from water, sidewalks or sand. This is the start of best natural skincare.

What to Do Immediately After a Sunburn ~ Natural Sunburn Care

What to do immediately after a sunburn

The best thing to do for sunburn is not to get one. Avoid sunburn to keep skin from aging, fend off wrinkles, and prevent skin cancers like melanoma and basic cell carcinoma. But here are some tips on natural sunburn care

Of course, protecting your skin and carrying some protective clothing on a cloudy day when you are expect to be out all day is a very good idea to protect herself.

But if you do get the sunburn, then the most important thing to do is first cover yourself up so you don’t get any more further damage. If fact it’s a good idea to check yourself if you’re outside a lot, periodically to see if you’re burning because you may be so busy and so active whether in the water or the wind and not noticing it. You want to catch it before you start turning red.

Now, if you do get a sunburn, the important thing is to see how bad it is. If it’s just redness and not blistering, sometimes things like a solution of Aspirin can actually calm down the readiness.

Also, topical and oral antioxidants can both protect you and also help calm down the sun damage, that means things like vitamin C, vitamin E, N acetyl cysteine and glycolic acid.  Those are all things that can calm sunburn down.

Natural sources of antioxidants include the inside of the citrus fruits, the white part and the pulp and also the extracts from grape seed, like the proanthocyanidins that are so protective as antioxidants. So taking those may give you a little bit of a benefit if you had too much so sun.

Could You Be Allergic to Your Sunscreen? ~ Best Natural Skincare

Could you be allergic to your sunscreen?

Now, there are a lot less allergies than when PABA was being used. People did have allergic reactions to that, but there are still allergic reactions to sunscreens. Especially the combination of sunscreen and light, because there are changes chemically that happen in a sunscreen when you’re in the sun.

If you have allergies to various related compounds, other sunscreens or perhaps, sulfonamides or drugs that are related to sulfonamides like some of the anti-diabetic drugs, then you’re more likely to have an allergy to the sun screens. It would be good to look at that and discuss that with your doctor or your dermatologist to make sure that it’s not a similar compound to something that you already have an allergy to.

So, it’s possible, yes, you can have an allergy to sunscreen. Not common, but if you do, it would be best not using sunscreens at all that are related to the ones that cause trouble. Sometimes a different one will work where one isn’t allergic. You should get that figured out or test in a very small spot before you go and spread sunscreen all over your body and go out and have a generalized allergic reaction.

What are the Chances that Spot is Skin Cancer? ~ Natural Skincare

What are the Chances that Spot is Skin Cancer? Natural Skincare Tips.

Have you been in the sun lately? There’s a lot of different kinds of skin cancer. If you are older and you had a lot of sun exposure and you have rough spots on your forehead and scalp and exposed areas of the body, that’s a good chance that they are pre-cancerous.

Nothing terrible or dangerous necessarily, but definitely something to treat before they get worse.  If you have a spot that is bleeding or breaking down, it has funny colors to it.  It could be something more dangerous and is definitely worth checking out.  There are a lot of different kinds of spots on the body and most that really are benign, but it takes a skilled eye to figure out which is which.

If you have a spot that just doesn’t seem right, or has something unusual about its appearance, or the way it feels, it’s a good idea to get checked out by the Dermatologist for natural skincare.