Could Your Acne Be a Sign of Something Bigger? ~ Best Natural Acne Treatment

Could Your Acne Be a Sign of Something Bigger?

Looking for the best natural acne treatment? For many people, acne is a reflection of consuming an excess of sugar. So acne may be one of the first signs that a person is headed for pre-diabetes. Also, in general acne tends to be a sign that people are putting too rich a diet into themselves.

Just like in a car, if the mixture of gas is too rich, the car chokes. A mixture that is too rich into the body can cause problems. In the case of acne, there is usually excessive sugar and inflammation. And with inflammation in the arteries can later be related to heart disease. So it’s important to calm down and treat acne as a symptom–not just as a condition.

After 30 years, no more Eczema!

Simply put, Dr. Dattner has done more for me in three months than any other doctor has done in 30 years. Until now, my skin has been more than a daily annoyance, infringing upon my ability to work, maintain a social life, and merely live freely. If you are someone like me, who has had a lifetime of skin ailments, or just recently begun experiencing problematic skin, Dr. Dattner will assuredly discover the culprit and provide a clear and natural route to health.

I arrived at Dr. Dattner’s door with a history of eczema that had been mismanaged for most of my life. Previous doctors had over-prescribed corticosteroid creams and pills for nearly 20 years, to the point that my body had become dependent upon them, not even responding at certain doses. When I chose to stop all forms of steroids (and never touch them again) nearly five years ago, I experienced the worst redness, swelling, flaking, itching, oozing, insomnia, and pain I have ever endured. This lasted, at its height for four months, but continued to haunt me in the intervening years. During this time, doctors had tried treating me with a variety of immunosuppressants and long-term antibiotics, with limited success, ultimately telling me that “this is just the way you are.” Sadly, a part of me believed them.

On my own, I was constantly researching and quickly becoming aware of leaky gut syndrome, and did what I could on my own through diet to attempt to heal myself, but found that this could only go so far. Thankfully, after moving to the New York area and relapsing into yet another extended skin flare, I discovered Dr. Dattner’s practice online. After my very first appointment, I felt that I was on the right track. Not only is he a thorough practitioner with a confidence that instills trust in his patients, Dr. Dattner is one of the first medical professionals who has truly listened to me and worked with body’s quirks rather than against them. Through diet and natural supplements, I have seen remarkable progress leaps and bounds beyond anything achieved by western medicines.

I cannot recommend Dr. Dattner or his holistic approach to healing more highly. He has given me back my skin, and thus my life.

– Jacqueline F, New Jersey

PS Here are some before and after pictures.





What’s Your Spirituality Have to Do with Your Skin? Holistic Skincare

What’s Your Spirituality Have to Do with Your Skin?

I’d like to talk about spirituality and skin disease from a holistic dermatology perspective. What does spirituality have to do with skin disease? We know skin disease is related to your skin, it might be related to allergies, it might even be related to the food you eat and what you absorb. So what does spirituality have to do with that?

Let me start with the process of digestion. Digestion breaks down your foods so that they get absorbed as single amino acids or small peptides. Molecules that are so small that they don’t set off a reaction; they don’t cause an allergy. But if you don’t break your food down into small molecules, big pieces get through; molecules big enough to set off an immune response. The receptor in the lymphocyte sees a big peptide in, say 8 amino acids, and it reacts. So we want to avoid having big peptides getting into your bloodstream and your lymphatics. And the way we do this is by enhancing digestion.

If you’re eating and you are on the telephone and you are buying something on the internet or you are worrying about your classes, or your career, or your income taxes, or what your friend said on Facebook, or any number of things, you’re interrupting your digestion. If your mind is in that place, you are in a reaction mode, or stress mode, which we call a flight or fight response. That’s known technically as Sympathetic Response. And if you are in Sympathetic Response mode, you shut off your digestion. Because evolutionarily, thousands of years ago, you didn’t need good digestion if you were being chased by a tiger. You needed to get away and use your muscles and shut off your digestion–or you’d get digested yourself.

But if you are in stress mode when you are eating or you are watching a TV program that has some horrendous scary thing going on, you are back in stress mode, and you are not going to digest your food optimally. And if you don’t break down your food adequately, then you are going to absorb bigger pieces, molecules, food substances that are big enough to set off an allergic response where they hit in the skin. Or these molecules might put you to sleep and make you drowsy or other kinds of things.

So, the old-fashioned method of taking a moment before you eat is good. Relax and let go of your thoughts, your worries and cares, and then take an additional moment and become thankful for the universe providing this and filling your whole body with that thankfulness. And then fill your body with the joy of the food you are about to eat. That gets the digestive juices flowing, and that’s very important for breaking down allergens and for preventing allergic disorders of all kinds especially skin diseases.

The Danger in Making the Internet Your Doctor ~ Best Natural Skincare


Looking for the best natural skincare? First, let me say there may be a lot of information out there that is true and good. I don’t want to dismiss that, but the big problem is when a person relates their story about healing a skin condition, yet they do not give you enough information on why that particular product made a difference.

Often, even if they are telling the truth, you do not know that they are leaving something important out. Even if they are telling the truth and are not leaving anything out, they may still not be giving you enough background to understand what made their condition made better. You don’t know that the particular thing that they said helped, is really going to help you as well.

Sometimes you can go off on a tangent with self-help medicine for long enough to do other kinds of damage. You may have avoided treatment that would be helpful. When you are reading health blogs, read them with a little bit of extra care. Be sure you do not take that information as the absolute knowledge of what  will make your skin better. See a doctor for signs of anything serious or chronic.

My Favorite Secrets to Slowing Aging ~ Holistic Dermatology

My Favorite Secrets to Slowing Aging

I’d like to talk a little bit more about slowing aging. One of the things that happens in aging is that the collagen breaks down. Collagen is the part that gives skin its tough surface and lasting quality. It gives the skin the ability to come back to its original shape. Collagen breaks down with age. The collagen breaking down is often seen as cellulite or less elastic skin.

What breaks down the collagen? There are enzymes in the skin that break it down, and those enzymes get activated by a variety of things. One of those things is inflammation, and another one is by something called glycation which comes from an excess of sugar and fried foods.

So if you want to look old faster, eat a lot of sugar. Eat a lot of foods that are high in glycation, like fried foods. These will all help set those enzymes into action, chomping up your collagen. Now, it doesn’t happen overnight. But over a period of years, it makes a big difference. So a healthy diet really makes a big difference over time.

A diet that includes a lot of fresh vegetables, a lot of fresh fruits and foods that are cooked a lower temperature.  Sometimes you want a treat of course, but let the cake be for a special occasion, rather than for a meal. If you live on chips, on junk foods, and fried foods, and things heated to high temperature, and lots of sugar, it takes its toll. And you have to decide. Is that fun worth more than looking great for a longer period of time?