Is Eczema Just Inflammation? ~ Best Natural Dry Skin Care

Is Eczema Just Inflammation?

What’s the best natural dry skin care? Next one of the things that’s going on with eczema, inflammation, and to some extent an allergic reactivity to either internal or external things that are causing your immune system to get excited. But eczema also known as atopic dermatitis involve another serious of factors. And for some people that includes a defective barrier of the skin so that water can evaporate much easier that it would have out of normal skin. And part of that is caused by a sub-group of patients. A defective protein called philogram, that philogram protein normally has several different functions as it migrates through the skin. A first function being a barrier and as it breaks down to the outer part of the skin being an anti-crobio peptide that prevents over growth of staff and other kinds of harmful bacteria.

It’s important to figure out which kind of problems going on with your eczema and treat it appropriately. And it’s also important to avoid things that are aggravating it as they work for a short period of time until you become allergic to the crème that you are using and then you have to go on to another. So the better you get at the underlying problems, the better you will get the eczema under control.

Leaky Gut: 3 Ways It Will Show In Your Skin ~ Holistic Medicine

3 Skin Signs of of Leaky Gut

Let’s talk about signs that you have a leaky gut. Now it’s not as easy as looking underneath your car and seeing where the grease dripped on the driveway. But there are a lot of things you can do to tell if you have a problem with leaky gut. Well the first one is, if you have obvious food allergies. And the second one is if you have a food allergy, such that when you switch from one food to the other, so you become allergic to that food. Now that’s a really good sign of a leaky gut.

What is food allergy? It’s a reaction that occurs anywhere from a few minutes to a few days after you eat a particular food. And it happens fairly consistently. The reaction could be on your skin or it could be bloating, or it could be arthritis. All of those could be signs of a food allergy. Now I’m using food allergy in the loosest manner. Because strictly speaking, there are many physicians who consider a food allergy only to be an immediate allergic response in IGE mediated response. But I look at this in a bigger context with any kind of food sensitivity.

So other signs that you have food allergy could be any number of types of inflammation that are chronic and repeated. Not proof that you have a food allergy but certainly requiring you to look and figure out if that’s what’s going on. That could be auto-immune diseases,that could be recurrent headaches and migraines. It could even be neurological problems. These things all suggest that you should be looking in that arena as well as other arenas. Not diagnostic but suggestive that, that could be going on. But digestive symptoms are really big part of many food allergies.

So if you’re getting bloating after you eat, if you get tired after you eat, and you have to lie down and you can’t keep your eyes open at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. If you are having other kinds of reactions or you are getting an after taste or reflux, those could be signs also of food allergy.

So I think it is important to keep this as we say, in your differential diagnosis, the possible causes of what’s going on. You should consider food allergy when you have a number of these things from allergy to auto-immune stuff to breaking out with acne and rashes that are explained. And not caused by something from the outside.  All these are signs of a possible food allergy and should be explored as such.

Hidden Hormones in your Cosmetics Causing Acne? ~ Natural Acne Treatment

Hidden Hormones in your Cosmetic Makeup Causing Acne?

There are a number of hidden hormone-related substances in your cosmetics and in your creams that you apply to your skin that could actually cause damage and even cause cancer.

One of the problems with these creams is that some of them have preservatives and have hormone like activity. Know all that hormone like activity is the weak activity if you apply then on a regular basis day after day, they can influence the subtle interactions of your cells and lead to damage that goes on to cause cancer.

I had a patient who was a model and who actually developed cancer and became a real advocate of using products that were free of these potentially dangerous compounds. Now most people don’t get cancer that we know of from them, but the ones who do are very unfortunate. It’s important to consider the possibility of using a more natural product that avoids hormone like activity when you’re applying it on a regular basis to your skin.