Do you have dandruff? One of the central factors in causing dandruff, or Seborrheic dermatitis, is an organism that lives in the skin of most people. That organism is a yeast that changes back and forth into a fungus. Interesting, huh? It used to be called Pityrosporum, but it is now is known as Malassezia species.
Here's my summation of the medical literature: it is your immune system’s reaction to Malassezia, which causes the inflammation, redness, and scaling that is characteristic of dandruff. Inflammation seems to depend on the presence, quantity, and type of exposure to other similar yeast and fungi entering the body, and other factors that affect the immune system.
The presence of related yeast and fungi is important because they may play some role in changing the body’s immune response to Malassezia in our skin, thus causing dandruff or other inflammatory skin conditions.
So the exposures that increase our allergic reactivity to the Malsasezia in our skin may, and thus our dandruff, may be quite varied and completely unexpected. Diet, seafood, travel, and underwater adventures, may someday be linked to worsening or improvement of dandruff. Future holistic skincare treatments could include monitoring and changing these factors.
4th Visit: Adjust your regime for maximum vitality
Our work together includes but goes beyond finding a conventional medical diagnosis and trying a recommended treatment. We work to find the concert of factors which are likely to have brought about your condition, and address these factors in the safest possible way to reverse them, and subsequently the condition or “disease” that you have.
Any information you jot down about how and when your problem started will be helpful, and any time you spend thinking about the time your problem started, and what events occurred before, will make our visit go smoother.
One to Three Pages of Your History: If you have the time and motivation, put together a chronological history of your illness, its aggravations and improvements, and the various environmental exposures, dietary changes, medications, infections, medical procedures, injections and vaccinations which preceded your illness in the one month to one season period before you got worse.
If you choose, this could be accompanied by a written story of the history of your illness. A full medical history, including major conditions, illnesses, hospitalizations, surgeries, laboratory reports and X-ray reports should also be assembled. Obtain these reports by contacting your physicians and giving them written permission to send the information to you or me. You may have such information faxed to me if you are about to visit very soon.
Gain control over skin disorders, and take your own guided journey toward better health.
Alleviate conditions involving inflammation of all other organ systems of the body as well. With my emphasis on nutritional influence on the immune system, this book will help heal individuals with allergy, autoimmune diseases, and chronic inflammatory diseases which can result in chronic pain, premature aging, and obesity.
It is estimated that 22 million Americans have some form of autoimmune disease. Recent articles in highly respected peer reviewed medical journals suggest that environmental factors including food allergens, chemicals, infection, and stress lead to sensitization of one’s immune system to their own body chemicals on the path to autoimmune disease.
This book throws off the shackles of conventional medical thinking while keeping the sense of the science behind the clinical practice, to give the reader both a guidebook and a working information space on which to take their own skin condition-guided journey toward better health. And in my own small way, I hope to shift the paradigm of Modern Medicine away from symptom suppression toward a truly holistic resolution of the underlying concert of issues.
Michael Pollan’s book In Defense of Food elegantly and radically shifted the American zeitgeist about the interrelatedness of agro-business, eating, environmentalism, and health. Heal Your Skin, Heal Your Life has been published to educate the public to create a similarly radical shift in how we view the interrelatedness of the skin, eating, health, the insurance industry, the traditional medical establishment, and holistic health care. By doing so, we greatly expand the number of people who will be able to choose other options for treating their skin and chronic diseases.
My philosophy places real responsibility both on the individual to make better choices and for the government and industry to actually offer a healthier and less toxic environment and food supply. By helping individuals experience the reality of damaging environmental factors affecting both their skin and their lives, they not only have the opportunity to get better safely at a more fundamental level, but also see the importance of grappling with these issues on a local and global scale. Only a widespread consciousness of these factors can avert the growing environmental disaster we have been building. This book can help bring about the personal revolution to do your part in changing the world.
Heal Your Skin, Heal Your Life will be available in 2014
I take the time with each patient to find and correct the probable events which preceded the outbreak of your skin disorder.
HERBAL TREATMENT use of botanical extracts to treat conditions with greater range of safety and capability than offered by drugs alone
VITAMIN, MINERAL, ENZYME, AND OTHER SUPPLEMENT SUPPORT the chemical processes going on inside our cells and organs can be restored to normal balance
INTRAVENOUS NUTRIENTS (NYC office) dramatic results can sometime be obtained by injection of nutrients intravenously. Certain nutrients such as magnesium enter the cells at levels that would cause diarrhea if taken orally
DETOXIFICATION (enhancement of biotransformation and excretion) get rid of toxins, pesticides, preservatives, heavy metal, hydrocarbons, and hormone mimics, disrupting cell function
BIOCHEMICAL AND METABOLIC NUTRITION using an understanding of thebiochemistry and physiology of the body as elated to your condition, chemicals normally made and used by the body, and the natural products containing them, can be supplemented to make desired changes
ENVIRONMENTAL ALLERGY DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT allergic to substances, foods, dust, pollen, or other chemicals in their environment, leading to non-classical symptoms
FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE optimizing digestive and other organ function using natural substances to correct inflammation and other disease processes
APPLIED KINESIOLOGY uses a system of muscle response testing to assess organ dysfunction and the best treatments to correct, testing your autonomic system rather than your blood
ASYRA PULSE ELECTROMAGNETIC BIOFEEDBACK EVALUATION AND TREATMENT tests and treats for allergy, degenerative disturbance, metabolic and digestive imbalance, nutrition, toxic stressors, GI panel, fungi, lyme, heavy metals, and more
CHINESE TONGUE DIAGNOSIS visual diagnosis of signs of digestivedysfunction, and the type ofcorrection needed
NMT (NEURO MODULATION TECHNIQUE) assesses and corrects patterns of dysfunction and the brain/body pathways involved, cluing your body into awareness and release
LANG DESENSITIZATION TECHNIQUE cold laser desensitization to viruses and substances causing inflammatory attack on one’s own body
TENNANT BIOMODULAR (Scenar) RADIOFREQUENCY ELECTRODIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT FOR MUSCLE, JOINT, AND OTHER INFLAMMATION evaluation of the voltage of body areas and acupuncture points, and correction by patented pulsed modulated current
MINOR EXCISION AND MINOR PLASTIC SURGERY as a board certified experienced dermatologist, surgical and other dermatologic treatment with a holistic consciousness, from simple biopsy to cancer removal with plastic repair
Q. Do you use vitamins and supplements when you treat skin naturally?
A. Yes, my preferred method is to use multiple supplements to simultaneously correct a variety of factors leading to your condition. I have you add to the program over time, and then make changes as your condition improves.
Q. I find it hard to take supplements without having reactions because I am very sensitive.
A. I use a number of techniques which do not require supplements. These include NMT (Neuro Modulation Technique,) Lang desensitization, and Scenar (Tennant Biomodulator) treatment, and others. I look for a reason for overwhelming sensitivity. If these methods are not adequate, I will recommend that you see a good homeopath.
Q. Will I have to change my diet? I’m very particular about what I eat, and very busy.
A. Likely, yes. What you eat is one of the biggest sources of foreign substances that enter your body. Unless there are medicines you take, materials you touch or breathe, or hidden infections which can be found and controlled, it is fairly likely that you will need to make some changes in your diet to get improvement in an inflammatory condition. Other conditions don’t need these changes, but I can evaluate your situation to find out. In general, you must be brave and flexible enough to consider making some changes in what you eat, and what supplements you will take, to work with me successfully. You probably will find that the resulting improvement in health, comfort, and appearance is worth it.
Q. Do you accept Medical insurance, or belong to any HMO’s?
A. Unfortunately, I do not. Medical Insurance usually does not cover preventative care which may not show up as savings in your health care for several years. In non life-threatening conditions, payment only covers brief visits, and strict definitions limit charges. Most physicians have to spend only 5 to 10 minutes per patient to cover their expenses Indeed, some patients report to me that the dermatologist they saw under insurance barely walked into the office to see their skin condition, for a minute. They haven’t the time or experience to overhaul your diet or life style to get changes in your underlying condition There is no way that their current payments cover the amount of time I spend in consultation and research on your problem.
Patients are sometimes told that there is nothing else that medical science has to offer them, which from a conventional medical viewpoint, is true. Those people often need to unravel a lot of problems and past treatment experience to get to the core of their problem. This takes a lot more time and work, just as if a part at the center of your car’s engine needs replacement. Insurance companies may call this work unproven, preventative, or unnecessary, and pay for it at their whim and rate. Years of experience tell me that digging deeper with the synergy of conventional, scientific, and complementary diagnostic and treatment tools allows me to help people who were told that there was nothing else that would help them.
Q. Can you treat my unique skin disorder naturally?
A. This sort of question is most important when a specific technique is being used, as in a surgical treatment for skin cancer of the bridge of the nose. In other conditions, I apply several methods of diagnosis and an individual specific approach, so the individual factors are much more important than the name of the disease in my selecting a treatment regimen. Most skin disorders have a common final presentation and similar mechanisms of expression, but different ways to trigger that final pathway. I go back to the specific ways the initial inflammation occurred, and what outside influence or inner deficiency was most likely to have brought it on.
It is my familiarity with the skin, the specialty of dermatology, immunity and inflammation, evaluating the scientific literature, knowing and contacting experts when necessary, and my background in alternative medicine and having numerous techniques to apply it to someone in need, which gives me an edge. The work often turns out to be so individual specific that the question is irrelevant. You do better to ask whether I have treated you or your identical twin for the same disorder, for that is more likely to be relevant. I have been successful with treatment of patients with many different skin disorders, some of which I never treated before. Success is more dependent on my tools, varieties of approach, network of experts, and different systems for defining the underlying cause.
Q. Do you treat skin cancer naturally?
A. I have treated many dozens of cancer patients. Being the only dermatologist at my community hospital in Northeast Connecticut for over twenty years, in a town where there was no other plastic surgeon, and being a sculptor who is skilled with my hands, I performed over a hundred facial plastic surgical procedures transferring tissue (flaps) in order to repair the defects where skin cancer was removed.
I get great results in older patients, because their skin is more lax, and good results in middle aged patients.
Q. Why should I go to you as a holistic dermatologist when I can go to my HMO dermatologist for free and to a nutritionist for less?
A. Actually, for some people, that’s a good idea, because they might be able to get some additional help from the combination. But since both tend to have different worlds of knowledge, you will have the additional burden of evaluating the treatment plans of one over the other. And, neither will be informed enough to really offer you a perspective which evaluates the suggestions of the other in a knowledgeable and unbiased manner. The nutritionist skilled in alternative treatment may not know when to stop and consider a more serious internal medical condition which is presenting as the skin problem. When the combined experience is necessary, you really need someone who is knowledgeable about both.
We work with you step-by-step over time to alleviate the symptoms of your skin condition, diagnose and treat the true underlying causes of your disease, and help you clear it for good.
Here’s an example of how we might treat acne with Integrative Skincare instead of Conventional Treatment:
Patient History Nurse/physician’s assistant takes a brief patient history (5 min).
Patient History I take your history personally, and also include a thorough history of digestive function, including drugs and events which disturb the GI tract.
Examination After triage, the examination focuses on the local skin problem.
Examination I examine the local skin problem, and then widen my scope to include the entire system, looking for other signs of organ malfunction to correct, throughout the body.
Diagnosis Doctor makes a conventional diagnosis of the “disease” present, using biopsy, scraping, or other lab tests.
Diagnosis In addition to the conventional dermatological diagnosis, I make a second “causal” diagnosis for the chain of events involved. I also use Applied Kineseology, tongue diagnosis, and advanced electronic testing devices, and your history help understand what affects the digestive tract, and other sources of stimulation of the inflammation going on. Finally, if necessary, I will use lab tests, conventional and otherwise.
Treatment Treat with a pill and/or a cream to suppress your rash (acne, etc), rather than correcting the actual cause of your condition.
Treatment We aim to unravel all of the problems and reactions which led to your skin’s inflammation, improving your digestion, aiding the function of supportive organs, all or mostly with herbs, diet changes, and natural supplements rather than drugs.Drugs and surgery are considered only when they are the best alternative.
Side Effects Since treatment often involves suppression of the body’s immune system, infection or other problems steroids, may have negative results. Antibiotics may wipe out normal bacteria in the digestive tract, setting the stage for yeast overgrowth, and all of the related damage to the intestinal barrier, including bloating, overweight, poor digestion, acne, rashes, brain fog, and more. The underlying problems often still persist.
Side Effects (all positive) Happily, the side effect of working to rid the underlying layers of problems is often improved energy, normalization of digestion, reduction of allergies, and pain, and weight loss.
My work with food allergy has taken me to functional medicine and applied kinesiology to improve digestive function. As a result, I can be helpful with various digestive problems, especially ones which your gastroenterologist has already worked up and told you either there is no problem he can find, or that there is nothing he can do for it.
Important notice-disclaimer: This material is presented for information purporses only. It is not intended to be used to either diagnose or treat disease.
Chronic fatigue, and more vague varieties of loss of energy seem to be becoming more common. I work with many of the underlying issues, including hypoglycemia, food allergy, Candida, Lyme disease, chemical and food sensitivity, environmental sensitivity, and metabolic imbalance, to correct the cause of the problem.
Alopecia areata Patches of hair loss, sometimes associated with stress, have an underlying autoimmune cause. Finding what has thrown the body into a reaction against itself is the key I use to unlock the condition.
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is a chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease in which the thyroid gland is gradually destroyed by a variety of cell- and antibody-mediated immune processes.
Hives (urticaria) An immediate immune response with moving red Wheals or hives. Often hives are a reaction to something entering the body orally or by inhalation. Antibodies cause histamine release when they meet the triggering foreign material or “antigen”. Some types of urticaria can cause swelling of the respiratory canal and lead to a fatal condition known as anaphylaxis. Conventional treatment includes antihistamines to reduce allergic swelling, and for more severe cases, administration of potent cortisone derivatives. Eliminating the cause is important, but the time and framework for good detective work is not usually available in a busy conventional practice.
Lupus makes up a set of conditions in which there is an autoimmune attack of the skin, joints, and in some cases, parts of the body essential to life such as the kidneys. It may start with a “butterfly rash” across the cheeks from sun exposure of the face. Bringing the overactive attack of the immune system back under control is crucial.
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease such as lupus and scleroderma, is an autoimmune disorder that has clinical and laboratory features of more than one defined autoimmune condition, such as lupus. These conditions involve attack by the body’s immune system against itself. My four-decade background in cellular immunology helps here.
Morphea is a condition which involves thickening and hardening of the skin in localized areas, and is a localized form of scleroderma.
Psoriasis is a condition of thickened red skin patches, especially over joints and pressure points, which can be highly resistant to treatment. It is caused by an extremely rapid overgrowth of the skin in the patches, which in turn has been caused by an immune reaction targeted in that area. The immune reaction is well recognized to be stimulated by specific streptococcus bacteria, in some cases. I work with patients to change the conditions which stimulate their skin to react and get thick and inflamed. Patients may still continue on light treatments with their regular dermatologist, while they work with me.
Scleroderma is a condition of thickening and hardening of the skin due to an autoimmune attack which stimulates the fibroblasts to increase the production of the fibrous material that gives the skin its strength.
Vitiligo is an auto immune condition causing patches of loss of pigment in the skin. Looking for and working on removing possible causes of allergy against oneself can help. So can helping the pigment cells work better.
Simply put, autoimmunity is the condition of one’s immune system attacking one’s own body. There is an overlap with allergy in that immune responses in allergy are overreactions to substances entering the body, causing damage to areas of the body.
Classical autoimmune conditions include lupus, scleroderma, dermatomyosiitis, mixed connective disorder. Psoriasis, not classically considered an autoimmune condition, does involve the immune system starting an attack on the skin, and the resultant series of events that occurs in those susceptible individuals. Often there are one or multiple genetic problems that contribute to an autoimmune condition. That does not mean there is no treatment, because the expression of specific genes is constantly modified by the body, so we can make changes which alter that expression.
Sometimes, persistence of an allergic stimulation occurs because the body’s detox mechanisms are not working, or have been worn down by repeated exposure. Restoring that ability to remove or break down toxins or irritants, can be part of the treatment. Sometimes that means supporting the activity of eliminative organs such as the liver, kidneys, lymphatics or bowel. Sometimes, specific enzymes, the chemical machines involved in breakdown of chemical toxins, need to be supplemented with cofactors such as specific minerals, vitamins, or other co-factors, to get them working better.
Autoimmune conditions often involve a specific target in the body. For example, blistering diseases such a Pemphigoid not only involve the junction between the epidermis and the dermis, but it appears the attacking antibodies are directed against the specific structures which “glue” the two layers together. As for cause, there is often a target, such as an infecting organism, which incites the reaction, because it has a segment with chemical makeup that resembles exactly a segment in one’s own tissue. This has been proven in immunologic studies. My own studies were on the detection of similarity by one of the key players in the immune system, the white blood cells know as lymphocytes. We call the attack of such similars “cross reactivity”, and we now call the similarity of foreign substances to our own sub-cellular tissues, “molecular mimicry.” Removing the cause so such molecular mimics is a key part of treating autoimmune conditions from the inside.
It may take more than mimics to set off an auto-immune condition. There may need to be some sort of condition that interferes with the proper regulation of the immune system, and actually confuses it. Such confusion might come from a viral condition, severe stress, or weakening of the body. My approach is to identify likely sources of both molecular mimicry and of dis-regulation, and correct them, as part of the process of reversing auto-immune disease.
Fixing the digestive system as a source of possible molecular mimics to stimulate the system is just a part of the foundation of getting these conditions under control.
Fibromyalgia and Chronic fatigue are also part of the spectrum of autoimmune conditions. They require most of the same first steps as mentioned above, but they may need support of other organs of the body, such as the adrenal glands, which have become exhausted in the process of trying to control allergy.
Important notice-disclaimer: This material is presented for information purporses only. It is not intended to be used to either diagnose or treat disease.
Important notice-disclaimer: This material is presented for information purporses only. It is not intended to be used to either diagnose or treat disease.