Metabolic Disorders: Diabetes, Celiac, Colitis

peanutsAs an integrative physician, I can’t over-emphasize the importance of the digestive system. I have discussed getting the digestion working properly in conditions of the skin. When it comes to treating not only skin disorders, but other disorders of the body which involve inflammation or even hormones, digestion is key.

point_1 Bloating, Gas, Abdominal Pain, Constipation, Diarrhea Patients who have this often have a combination of food allergy and problem organisms living in the digestive tract. It is possible to treat this naturally by identifying and correcting those problems can lead to improvement without long-term dependence on suppressive drugs.

point_1 Celiac Disease is a condition caused by sensitivity to gluten, the protein found in wheat, barley, rye and oats. It damages the small intestine, causing flattening of the villi, the tiny hair-like projections that greatly increase the surface of that organ to absorb nutritional substances from the food we eat. In addition to gluten sensitivity, celiac disease involves specific transplantation antigen types.

point_1 Colitis includes conditions involving inflammation of the colon, often causing abdominal pain, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, and fatigue.

point_1 Diabetes: Type 1 diabetes usually involves infection with a virus which mimics the cells in the insulin-producing part of the pancreas. When the inflammatory process that follows has destroyed the insulin-producing cells in pancreas, one needs to inject insulin in order to get sugar into the cells.

point_1 Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes is related to a loss of effectiveness of insulin’s ability to bind to the cells and let sugar in. This is caused in part by repeated eating of too much sugar, driving up the insulin, and eventually making the insulin receptors less able to bind. Treatments to make the insulin receptors more responsive are as important as diet changes and medications in correcting type 2 diabetes.

point_1 Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a sensitivity of the digestive tract to a variety of foods, that presents as pain, gurgling, gas in the belly after eating.

point_1 Overweight and Obesity is largely related to eating too much sugar and carbohydrates (starches) which turn into sugar, and are stored by the body as fats. Once a certain amount of overweight occurs, the complex signaling between fat tissue and the body gets deranged, and it becomes much harder to lose weight. Inflammation can play a role here, including the effect of food allergy on causing and maintaining weight gain.

magnifyingglasspoint_1 As a medical detective practicing “alternative medicine”, I have had to solve problems for my patients and my family members, for which no solution was known to medicine. Where I have had dramatic success, I credit prayer and a network of collegues and consultants. The important question is whether I feel that I can work with the condition at hand, not how many times I have treated it successfully before. Each individual is unique in their genetic makeup, metabolism, and exposure experience. Had I required that answer of myself, I would not have been successful in helping many patients, friends, and family members. I applied the methods I know of going deeper into finding the underlying cause and fixing it. If I had only one method for fixing the cause for each specific disease, I would have been as unsuccessful as the doctor who tried before.

Please note: This material is presented for information purposes only. It is not intended to be used to either diagnose or treat disease.