The first type of health food that can aggravate acne is the natural looking product that really is a bad product. That would include various types of chips that are coated with oil and heated to high temperature in an oven rather than a fryer, so they say they are “baked and not fried”.
The second kind of health food that can aggravate acne is part of the sugar that come from wonderful natural sources like a guava or honey because they really are sugar.
Another type of health food that can aggravate acne especially to people who have sensitivities to various types of yeast are foods like kombucha, vinegar, or apple cider vinegar. It is important to know that many of the kinds of things that might be promoted on the internet or the health food store, may not be the ones that are good for you. Your body ecosystem is unique; different foods are good for different people. Find out what’s right for you by noticing how you feel after you eat.
Interviewer: So what are some of the common uncommon conditions you treated successfully with Holistic Dermatology?
Dr. Dattner: Well, anything that involves inflammation and most skin disorders do, I have had success. Some people say, “well, did you ever treat this before?” And I say, “no, but I think I can help you.” And they want to know I have treated 100 cases, but the truth is that the methodology when you are dealing with inflammation is really very much the same. So, I had a patient call me with a condition, they had a child with Lymphomatoid Papulosis.
Interviewer: Okay
Dr. Dattner: Which when you hear that word Lymphomatoid, you know that there is about 10% that converts to Lymphomas and there is some concern. There are hundreds of lumps all over the body and I wound up hearing the story. I did a few things and made some improvement and then I heard the story again, and actually this was I need to get to see them in person. And then I heard the story more carefully, listed in some information and found out it was by the holidays and [1:02][inaudible] came under the sugar and I changed the diet dramatically, used some supplements, the next phone call, 95% better. They were recommended to go on Methotrexate which is a…. you know….
Interviewer: Yes, sure
Dr. Dattner: Cytotoxic drug for two years.
Interviewer: Wow, you saved that person.
Dr. Dattner: So, I really feel that’s the kind of thing that warms my heart. I can save this poor kid for two years of Methotrexate, she would have spend the rest of her life dealing with this. You can have the possibility of side effects from that.
Here’s a Natural, Functional Medicine Perspective on tiredness…
Are you tired all the time? I think I understand that feeling. Of course, the biggest cause of feeling tired all the time is not getting enough sleep and that can either be because you have trouble sleeping, or because you’ve got too much to do, or you want to do too much. Of course, those are problems that need to be corrected by doing what ever it takes to manage to get more sleep.
Sometimes, even taking catnaps can be very helpful in restoring your energy when you haven’t had enough asleep at night. Because to push straight through really puts a strain on your adrenals and a strain on the rest of your body.
There are other reasons why people are tired all the time and one of them is chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue can be caused by chronic infections, by food allergies and by inflammation going on in your system. It drains your system of its energy because it’s so busy fighting the various targets that it thinks needs to be dealt with. If that’s the case, you really need to take care of improving your digestion, getting the inflammation calmed down and dealing with the underlying causes such as leaky gut and often dealing with the various hormonal issues that have arisen to compensate for the problems that have been going on such as supporting the adrenals or even the thyroid gland. In that way, you can begin to restore yourself and your energy.
I’ve seen people with everything from thyroid disease to just food allergy and inflammatory conditions that lead to tiredness and fatigue all the time, completely change their lives to the point where they just thought before, that tiredness was natural, a natural statement. They were amazed to get the amount of energy that they regained. That can be a really wonderful thing, because it can allow you to live more your life more joyously, so you are not dragging yourself from one place to another.
You can translate that into becoming more productive as well, having more time for you and more time to earn your living. Making the investment, working with somebody who does holistic and integrative medicine could be a big benefit, getting you back to your normal god given energy and back to actually enjoy your day.