What Uncommon Skin Diseases Have You Treated? ~ Holistic Dermatology

What Uncommon Skin Diseases Have You Treated?

Interviewer:   So what are some of the common uncommon conditions you treated successfully with Holistic Dermatology?

Dr. Dattner:   Well, anything that involves inflammation and most skin disorders do, I have had success. Some people say, “well, did you ever treat this before?” And I say, “no, but I think I can help you.”  And they want to know I have treated 100 cases, but the truth is that the methodology when you are dealing with inflammation is really very much the same. So, I had a patient call me with a condition, they had a child with Lymphomatoid Papulosis.

Interviewer:   Okay

Dr. Dattner:   Which when you hear that word Lymphomatoid, you know that there is about 10% that converts to Lymphomas and there is some concern. There are hundreds of lumps all over the body and I wound up hearing the story. I did a few things and made some improvement and then I heard the story again, and actually this was I need to get to see them in person. And then I heard the story more carefully, listed in some information and found out it was by the holidays and [1:02][inaudible] came under the sugar and I changed the diet dramatically, used some supplements, the next phone call, 95% better. They were recommended to go on Methotrexate which is a…. you know….

Interviewer:   Yes, sure

Dr. Dattner:   Cytotoxic drug for two years.

Interviewer:   Wow, you saved that person.

Dr. Dattner:   So, I really feel that’s the kind of thing that warms my heart. I can save this poor kid for two years of Methotrexate, she would have spend the rest of her life dealing with this. You can have the possibility of side effects from that.

3 Possible Signs Your Body is Attacking Itself ~ Autoimmune Disease

3 Possible Signs Your Body is Attacking Itself

There are a number of conditions that are known as autoimmune conditions. That is you attacking yourself with your own immune system that have very obvious rashes associated. The typical butterfly rash from sun exposure, Lupus is one of the foremost ones.

People who have patchy hair loss, known as alopecia areata also have an autoimmune disorder as do people who have vitiligo. In many of the cases, they have an attack on the pigment cells in their skin.  Any type of information can be a kind of an autoimmune disorder. If you have redness or any of the things that I’ve mentioned before, they are possible signs that you have some autoimmune condition.

It’s important to get to the basis of this, not just to try to treat the local area, so that your body stops attacking itself and causing destruction through autoimmune disease.

3 Reasons Only Some People Break Out with Acne ~ Best Natural Acne Treatment

3 Reasons Only Some People Break Out with Acne

Some people ask me, “How can I be breaking out from this food when my friends can eat as much of it as they want and don’t seem to have any problem with their skin?”

Well, acne is caused by a number of different factors and one of them is the hypersensitivity reaction at the level of the hair follicle and the oil gland in the skin. When they have a reaction occurring, there is an accumulation of white cells in that area that are part of this inflammatory process and so a specific sensitivity could exist that’s causing acne.

There are also ways in which acne can cause disturbances of the digestive system or be related to disturbances of the digestive system caused by various foods. People who have that kind of sensitivities of the digestive system can also get in trouble by some specific foods and sometimes from a variety of different foods. This is the start of the best natural acne treatment.

3 Secrets to Deal with Dry Skin ~ Holsitic Skincare

3 Secrets to Deal with Dry Skin

The first thing you can do is make sure you don’t wash off the natural oils that are in your skin in the first place. You have to be really careful about bathing too much and using too much hot water and soap during the winter months when the humidity in the air is very low inside the house.

Second thing, make sure you’re getting enough moisture, enough water into your body.

Third thing you need to do is apply something to seal the moisture in your skin when your skin is wet. That can be an ointment or an oil if you’re willing or you prefer, a cream. Creams have the problem of containing many different components, some of which may make you allergic, cause inflammation, cause itching and cause more dry skin.

It’s important to try to do a number of different things to protect against dry skin. You can also get help from a holistic integrative physician, using various kinds of oils and the substances that go along with them to make sure that your body produces enough of its own anti-inflammatory oils. Holistic skincare can help.

Is Eczema Just Inflammation? ~ Best Natural Dry Skin Care

Is Eczema Just Inflammation?

What’s the best natural dry skin care? Next one of the things that’s going on with eczema, inflammation, and to some extent an allergic reactivity to either internal or external things that are causing your immune system to get excited. But eczema also known as atopic dermatitis involve another serious of factors. And for some people that includes a defective barrier of the skin so that water can evaporate much easier that it would have out of normal skin. And part of that is caused by a sub-group of patients. A defective protein called philogram, that philogram protein normally has several different functions as it migrates through the skin. A first function being a barrier and as it breaks down to the outer part of the skin being an anti-crobio peptide that prevents over growth of staff and other kinds of harmful bacteria.

It’s important to figure out which kind of problems going on with your eczema and treat it appropriately. And it’s also important to avoid things that are aggravating it as they work for a short period of time until you become allergic to the crème that you are using and then you have to go on to another. So the better you get at the underlying problems, the better you will get the eczema under control.

What’s Up with Eczema? ~ Best Holistic Skincare


What’s the best holistic skincare treatment for eczema? Eczema is related to other kinds of allergic diseases like asthma and hay fever. Usually there’s a family history of one of these conditions, and people who have it truly actually end up with dermatitis. There is an increasing incidence of eczema in the past decade, suggesting that some kind of environmental changes are a factor. It is aggravated by not only allergies in some people but also by various foods in some others.

Eczema is also aggravated by secondary infection, which people get from scratching, opening up wounds, and having oozing cerium. This can gets a culture of staph and other kinds of germs growing on it. Those kick the immune system up into high gear, and more and more of the skin problem appear.

It’s important to break the itch and scratch cycle. Keep the skin lubricated to calm down the inflammation. In functional medicine, we seek out the various causes that are contributing to the eczema and deal with each one. Doing all of that can make a dramatic difference.

Dangers of Self-Diagnosing Your Skin Problem ~ Integrative Dermatology

Dangers of Self-Diagnosing Your Skin Problem

What are the dangers of diagnosing your own skin problem?

Well, the first one is you may get the wrong diagnosis. You might be trying to link it up to some picture on the Internet or something you saw in a book.  And just be off a bit and you might as a result have some condition that gets worse before it has its chance to be taken care of properly.

The second one is that when a dermatologist looks at the skin condition, they think there are a number of different possibilities and it may be one of the possibilities that is lower on the list that you might miss when you’re looking online.

There’s always the possibility that this skin condition might partake of more than one actual diagnosis and may have something in between.  Finally, it’s possible that there are underlying problems that are involved that you will miss when you just come across the name of a condition.  This is something where somebody who takes a more integrative dermatology or holistic viewpoint can be very helpful.

Should You Go Paleo? ~ Natural Skincare and the Paleo Diet

Should You Go Paleo?

Paleo has become a real popular diet. How does it relate to natural skincare?

One good thing about a Paleo diet is that it avoids a lot of the kinds of prepared foods and chemicals that bring things into us that our bodies may not be able to deal with.

Another good thing about the Paleo diet is that it tends to be one which avoids grains as there are a number of people who are sensitive to not only gluten, but to a lesser extent whole grains.  Avoiding that can be very helpful for those people.

Eating a lot of vegetables is a very healthy thing. For many people having a Paleo diet with meat and vegetables is a healthy way to go.  But it’s not the only answer and for each individual there are usually specific sensitivities that also have to be addressed.  If simplifying your diet by taking away many of the major aggregators makes a difference, if going Paleo takes the sugar out of your diet and makes a difference that way, you’re going to do better.

But if there are also other allergens, you need to have a closer look at that. Either watch what’s going on once you’ve gone to the Paleo diet and see what else is causing you to react or you need to go further in terms of finding out what your specific sensitivities are that are related to the problems that you’re having.

How to Stop Your Skin from Aging and Wrinkling ~ Ultimate Natural Skincare

How to stop your skin from aging and wrinkling

It is important to know that one of the most controllable and serious contributors to skin aging is sun exposure and it is the most preventable one as well. Of course, there are other things like exposure to cigarette smoke or smoking itself that can aggravate skin cancer. It is a combination buildup of free radical damage from sources like smoking and the sun which together make more aging. It is really important to protect yourself from the sun directly and to keep from getting burned. A little bit of sun exposure to make vitamin D is fine.

A little bit of color, some people feel is okay, like me. It is important to use protective devices. Some of those devices include hats and I would like to show you several different kinds. You want to bring the protection all around. If you want a radically broader band, you can use a really wide band, but remember, just a baseball cap is not sufficient.

There are also specialty hats that work when you are kayaking or surfboarding. There are hats that can be worn when you are swimming, diving and snorkeling, so you protect your head from excessive sun exposure. Get some protective hats and clothing and make sure you protect yourself.

3 Things You Need to Know about Summer Skin Care and Cancer ~ Holistic Dermatology

3 Things You Need to Know about Summer Skin Care

Curious how we use holistic dermatology for summer skin care? We know that sun exposure is the biggest cause of skin cancer. Now there are several different kinds. There are pre-cancers that are very common as people reach their sixties and seventies.

There are other types of cancers like basal cell and squamous cell cancers that are problematic, but are usually not fatal. There is another kind of skin cancer called melanoma which involves a dark mole that is irregular in its appearance, its color, shape and the way it behaves. Those kinds of cancer are the ones that can be fatal in many instances.

It seems that the incidence of melanoma is increasing rapidly. There might be other causes apart from sun exposure which includes the loss of the normal ozone layer which protects us, because of all fluorocarbons in sprays. It is important to do sun protection in order to prevent both aging and skin cancers.