Could that Spot Be Skin Cancer?
Itching is caused often by allergic reaction, and sometimes by various chemicals that set off a reaction. For instance, various kinds of bites from insects, various kinds of plants that cause allergic contact dermatitis like poison ivy. So when you have itching it’s a sign that something is going on that needs to be remedied or avoided. And it’s really important to think back about what was going on when the itching started and what was going on the few days before the itching began in case it was something you contacted that you contacted which set it off with a delayed response.
So, finding out the cause of an itch is a detective game that you are the deputy detective in, and you need to start looking back at what was going on, and put that information together so you can present it to your doctor or you dermatologist.
Now if this has been a complex long term problem, it can take some real serious detective work, and this is when digging in deeper to the causes can make a real difference, using holistic dermatology.