Can Natural Skin Care Improve Your Energy?

Can natural skincare improve your energy and overall wellbeing? “The question I’d like to ask you, Dr. Dattner is, what is the most rewarding thing you find about your work in holistic dermatology?”

“Seeing people get really back into the world of the living where they’ve been having chronic fatigue your digestive problems or skin problems that have kept them indoors or out of the game, and seeing them begin to feel really good about themselves, feel more energetic. I really love making a difference in people’s lives, and that’s the kind of thing that that keeps happy.”

“So, it’s encouraging them to the the well to have a good diet exercise well…”

“Yes but there are many specifics for the given individual. It’s not just good diets–it’s the kind of diet that they need, the things they need to eliminate include in order to make shifts in how their immune system is functioning how their digestive system is functioning in what parts that actually their genomes are opened up in reaction to things.”And you can get a sensor that with the tests that you do by speaking with them?”

“Yes, because you see each person is a living example in their experiences up how they react, so I get it of a lot of information from just hearing a person’s story in asking pointed questions that let me know what’s going on with the various aspects physiology.”

“Okay so your website again is holistic dermatology dot com.”