GAPS Diet and Inflammation ~ Integrative Dermatology

GAPS Diet and Inflammation

Hi for some people the wrong diet can cause a lot more than just inflammation of the skin or of the other organs. For those people various substances that come from the food and get out into the system can cause neurological and psychological problems as well. It’s known that one of the end molecules from gluten that is, the component of bread that gives the thickness and stickiness can cause a variety of problems.

And in some people it can even cause psychological and behavioral issues. Besides gluten sensitivity, there are some individuals who are sensitive to a whole variety of different grains. This was pointed out in a few different books by Dr. Allaine Gutshrack who was the one who came with what is called the specific carbohydrate diet. She found that there were some individuals who had to remove all grains from their diet. Not just gluten containing grains in order to get better, in order to have their psychological issues, their ADHD, even their schizophrenia or their autism improved.

So since that time, and she has passed on a few years ago, there have been a number of people who have taken up her specific carbohydrate diet and made various modifications and given it different names, including the GAPS Diet. The Paleo Diet is similar in some ways. And whatever name you call it, removal of grains is important for a certain sub-group of people. Those people have symptoms that have been going on for a long time that may also include inflammatory symptoms as well as the in emotional or neurological condition. And they do very well once an elimination occurs. In some cases they need other things eliminated further such as the GAPS diet. A gluten-free elimination diet is good for some people and other people need to take out other grains as well.

Should You Go Gluten-Free? ~ Natural Skincare Advice

Should You Go Gluten-Free?

Looking for natural skincare support? Gluten has a number of different activities including as a lectin punching holes in cell membranes and enabling things to get into cells or enabling things to escape from the intestinal track that shouldn’t be escaping. Since it’s so high on the list of likely allergens, it is one of the things that can make a difference in people’s health or having various kinds of manifestations of allergic or unknown conditions.

On the other hand, going gluten-free makes it very difficult to eat in restaurants or to eat anything that you don’t prepare yourself from scratch. If you truly have a gluten sensitivity or you truly are celiac, which is a gluten sensitivity plus certain genetic markers.  Then it may also be worth identifying that before you go gluten free because it’s easier to do so while you’re still eating gluten and if you really are a celiac, even a tiny, tiny bit of gluten can set you back significantly and it’s good to know that. So going gluten free is a reasonable experiment to do.

Going gluten-free may be helpful, but it may not be sufficient. Furthermore, there are a number of people who have multiple allergies. Just stopping one thing is not going to make them all better any more than if you’re sitting on three thumbtacks, removing one of them is going to solve all the pain you’re having in your bottom.

Inflammation & Autoimmune Disease ~ Holistic Dermatology

Inflammation & Autoimmune Disease

Interviewer:   Good, so what got you interested in inflammation, inflammatory conditions, and autoimmune disease before you were doing holistic dermatology?

Dr. Dattner:   Well, when I was in college, I was volunteering at a little place up in Rye called Sloan Kettering.

Interviewer:   Little place?

Dr. Dattner:   It was. It’s now a big village, the place where that was. It was a laboratory where they were testing all kinds of stuff that they could find and seeing if it could kill tumors. But there was one little laboratory in there that was doing tumor immunology. I went and started volunteering there and that was where I first learned about lymphocytes and cellular-immune reactivity and tumor immunology.

Interviewer:   Right..

Dr. Dattner:   From there I went to a series of different laboratories where I was studying cellular-immunology and winding up at the National Cancer Institute. I had a long interest in the basic science behind this. In fact, I translated into my clinical understanding of how these things work and it helps me see somebody’s picture and pull it together in a way that I wouldn’t have otherwise.

Interviewer:   Yes, so refreshing. I have to tell you with your background as a medical doctor to be engaged in all these alternative methods you use in holistic dermatology and integrative medicine, and seeing them work so well, you love it.

Dr. Dattner:   Well, it’s only because I had heard about them and I sort of believed it. But, when I did my work on immune recognition and saw how the equations could be so different than one could have imagined otherwise in terms of one thing stimulating another thing as a response, I started to understand why those things make sense and knew that there was truly a science behind it. That science didn’t become understood generally until almost 20 some odd years later when people started talking about this in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Interviewer:   That’s amazing, it’s great.

Can Natural Skin Care Improve Your Energy?

Can natural skincare improve your energy and overall wellbeing? “The question I’d like to ask you, Dr. Dattner is, what is the most rewarding thing you find about your work in holistic dermatology?”

“Seeing people get really back into the world of the living where they’ve been having chronic fatigue your digestive problems or skin problems that have kept them indoors or out of the game, and seeing them begin to feel really good about themselves, feel more energetic. I really love making a difference in people’s lives, and that’s the kind of thing that that keeps happy.”

“So, it’s encouraging them to the the well to have a good diet exercise well…”

“Yes but there are many specifics for the given individual. It’s not just good diets–it’s the kind of diet that they need, the things they need to eliminate include in order to make shifts in how their immune system is functioning how their digestive system is functioning in what parts that actually their genomes are opened up in reaction to things.”And you can get a sensor that with the tests that you do by speaking with them?”

“Yes, because you see each person is a living example in their experiences up how they react, so I get it of a lot of information from just hearing a person’s story in asking pointed questions that let me know what’s going on with the various aspects physiology.”

“Okay so your website again is holistic dermatology dot com.”

Relieved to be off the pharmaceuticals.

“I had been on methotrexate for psoriasis. Dr. Dattner suggested I followed a diet and treatment plan. I did and got as excellent a result in clearing my skin with just diet and topical medications as she I had gotten with the potentially life-threatening pharmaceutical methotrexate. Relieved to be off the drugs.” -AP, New York