Do Sunscreens Really Block the Sun? ~ Natural Dermatology

Do sunscreens really block the sun?

Curious about natural dermatology for aging and cancer prevention? One of the reasons that I’m such an advocate of hats and clothing is that sun screens don’t really block the sun.  They do take the sun’s energy and change it into a more harmless form of energy so that there is not a sun burn, but still some of that energy gets through.  That energy can cause damage especially if you apply sunscreen on and then spend a lot of time out in the sun.

With just sunscreen, you get some of that energy coming through all day long that can be causing aging, and even potentially future skin cancer.  It’s important to remember that even the metallic sunscreens like zinc and titanium are usually zinc and titanium salts, they’re not the metal.  You do get some energy coming through, even using those. It’s very important to remember that you need other kinds of ways of blocking the sun.  The sun screen is just an added benefit to protect against reflected rays.

3 Things You Need to Know about Summer Skin Care and Cancer ~ Holistic Dermatology

3 Things You Need to Know about Summer Skin Care

Curious how we use holistic dermatology for summer skin care? We know that sun exposure is the biggest cause of skin cancer. Now there are several different kinds. There are pre-cancers that are very common as people reach their sixties and seventies.

There are other types of cancers like basal cell and squamous cell cancers that are problematic, but are usually not fatal. There is another kind of skin cancer called melanoma which involves a dark mole that is irregular in its appearance, its color, shape and the way it behaves. Those kinds of cancer are the ones that can be fatal in many instances.

It seems that the incidence of melanoma is increasing rapidly. There might be other causes apart from sun exposure which includes the loss of the normal ozone layer which protects us, because of all fluorocarbons in sprays. It is important to do sun protection in order to prevent both aging and skin cancers.

Absolute Best Protection Against Skin Cancer ~ Best Natural Skincare

Absolute best protection against skin cancer

The best protection against skin cancer is to protect yourself against sunburns. Sun exposure, even without burning, could possibly contribute to that, but the worst is to use sun exposures and have so much damage that the skin can’t handle it, which usually results in redness and irritations of sunburn. In order to do that, you really need to use more than just the sunscreen.

You need to time your outdoor activities if you are fair skinned, so that you are outside before 10 or 11 in the morning or after 4 in the afternoon. It is also important to be under shade such as an umbrella or overhang of a building and also to use sun protective clothing because that protects better than sunscreens.

Sunscreens should be used in addition to protecting against the reflected light from water, sidewalks or sand. This is the start of best natural skincare.