Could Your Rash Be a Symptom of Something Bigger? ~ Natural Rash Treatment

Could your rash be a sign of something bigger?

During my dermatology training on natural rash treatment, we had a textbook from Dr. Irwin Braverman called Skin Signs of Systemic Diseases.

This book showed a number of serious diseases that also had a skin manifestation that was a tip-off. This was certainly one of the things that dermatologists learn in their training and one of the important reasons to go to a dermatologist when set of symptoms presents on your skin that doesn’t quite make sense to you or to perhaps your family doctor.

In my practice of holistic dermatology over the years, I found another set of underlying problems that can be related to skin issues.  For example, some cases of dry skin and seborrhea are indication that patients are lacking essential fatty acids and those essential fatty acids are important for preventing inflammation elsewhere and also for the proper function of the brain and the nervous system.

It’s really important to look deeper where problem doesn’t go away with a simple attempt to cure, a simple claim or whatever because the various things that present under the skin may well be symptoms of something deeper that needs to be remedy.

What Does Inflammation have to Do with My Rash? ~ Best Natural Skincare

What Does Inflammation have to Do with My Rash? Best Natural Skincare

If you have an immediate hypersensitivity, you can break out with hives right after having contact with something that you are allergic to even in mints. Poison ivy causes a delayed hypersensitivity and usually takes at least 48 hours before you break out in a full rash of blisters.

Cirrhosis is a very different kind of inflammation, also involved in lymphocytes causing a cascade of events that create a rapid division of the cells and a thickening and scaliness of the cells. Scaliness and itching can occur in atopic dermatitis caused by a variety of factors including inflammation from within.

There are blistering diseases that have very specific targets in the skin such that there appears to be an attack at the attachment points between the cells in the upper level of the skin in the epidermis that get broken and those broken attachments lead to the formation of blisters in the skin, and sometimes in the mucous membranes of the digestive track such as in the mouth and the esophagus.

So there are many different kinds of mechanisms that can lead to many different kinds of inflammatory disorders of the skin. And it’s important to figure out what is going on and how to calm it don and what are the causal factors so that you can keep the disorder from coming back, rather than simply poisoning to stop the reaction.

Stopping the reaction maybe vital for comfort or even for saving life. But we always try to find the safest method for getting skin condition under control, and the best method and safest method to do it for the long run. So identify with the help of an expert the inflammation that is going on, and get their help in getting rid of the causes whether they are direct stimuli, or cross reactive stimuli that are causing the attack on your skin. And that’s the best natural skincare.

I have my life back! No more rash!

“After decades of struggling with fatigue, colds, and muscle ache, I can finally say I have my life back. I came to see Dr. Dattner after seeking treatment from a dermatologist for a condition called piityriasis rosea, a skin condition, which appears as red welts and is very itchy. I was miserable, and other doctors couldn’t help me.

Under the care of Dr. Dattner within 3 weeks I was welt-free and itch-free. We worked on diet, skin care, and the use of supplements. As time went on Dr. Dattner helped address other health issues I was experiencing for years, including chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, gastritis, constipation and acid reflux.

Treatment has been so successful that I am now working once again outside the home. Even better yet I have eliminated naps. And yes there are other benefits to be had too; I have escaped colds and flu through the winter season without an annual flu vaccine.” -BV, New York