Could Environmental Toxins Aggravate Acne? ~ Best Natural Skincare

Could Environmental Toxins Aggravate Acne? ~ Best Natural Skincare

We know that acne can be aggravated by chlorinated oils that are used as cutting oils, and that can be a real aggravator for people who are in a profession, like plumbing where they are cutting pipes on a regular basis.  

Another toxin that can aggravate the skin is from soot and way back in the 1700’s, it was identified as a cause of cancers in chimney sweeps.  Another type of toxin that’s much more common would be the various types of pesticides that sometimes are absorbed through the skin and can cause problems in the skin and of course, elsewhere.

Other types of more common exposures are to detergents which irritate by stripping the oils off the skin and causing dryness by breaking the barriers so that other problems develop on top of that, like secondary infection.  We’ve got to be careful about the use of various things that are on the skin and observe whether they’re  aggravating and avoid carefully if they are.