Chronic Fatigue is… Exhausting! Treat it Naturally with Holistic Medicine?

Chronic Fatigue is Exhausting!

Are you ready to treat it naturally with holistic medicine? People who have chronic fatigue often drag themselves through their lives and sometimes have such low energy to get to work everyday. When it gets really bad, they often have to drop out of school, drop out of work, or their lives are miserable pushing themselves to keep awake and keep doing what they need to do.

Chronic fatigue doesn’t have to be all the time. It can be cured. It can be helped. I’ve had patients who have had such severe chronic fatigue they couldn’t work, go on to complete school while working full-time and join the Marines. It really can change if you change the problems that are underlying. This was not by giving stimulants. This was by fixing their digestive system, getting their autoimmune conditions under control, getting their digestive inflammation under control, changing the way they were able to process foods, taking the stress off of their immune systems, off their adrenals and turning them around.

Chronic fatigue can be very exhausting, but it can also be an opportunity to restore the body to normal function by following all the leads that are causing it and getting to the base of it, which is something that a holistic and integrative physician can do.

Could Inflammation Be Causing the Rash on Your Skin? ~ Functional Dermatology

Could Inflammation Be Causing Your Skin Problem?

In functional dermatology, we examine the entire system of the organs and the body as a whole. We see that inflammation is the cause of most of the rashes and skin conditions with itching and redness in the skin, and with scaling, and even blisters. There are different kinds of immune responses that lead to each of these conditions and there are also different kinds of responses where the tissues themselves cause individual reactions you see as very different skin conditions.

It’s important to understand both how the physiology of how your skin works and how the immune system is reacting when you have inflammatory problems. This is the place where a good understanding of immunology is very helpful.

I have been very fortunate to have been involved in the area of cellular immunology and delayed hypersensitivity for many decades. It’s helped my perspective and seeing how conditions can be improved by getting at the underlying conditions that are there and causing difficulties. Be sure you find someone who understands this when you are trying to dig deeper to get to the cause of your inflammatory condition and treat it and get it better so that your whole body improves as well and including inflammation that can cause damage to other organs in your body.

Use your skin as an indicator of your health so it can lead you to the best overall heath possible.

Could Your Rash Be a Sign of Something Serious? ~ Functional Dermatology

Could Your Rash Be a Sign of Something Serious?

There are a number of different disorders that occur with the skin, which can be addressed with functional dermatology. For example, some patients with skin that is more stretchy than normal, hyper-elastic has a defect of the elastic tissue that also can involve the elastic tissue in their arteries. So they can even blow out a great vessel, and checking that out properly can be a way to keep an eye on it and prevent the possible rupture of the aorta which leads to immediate death.

So, if you have a condition on your skin, a rash that doesn’t go away, or something that doesn’t quite make sense, get it checked out by a dermatologist to be sure that it’s not something that is telling us about a condition that could be really detrimental to your health–or your life. Consider getting support with functional dermatology.