3 Reasons Your Skin Wants Detoxification ~ Natural Skincare

3 Reasons Your Skin Wants Detoxification

Let’s talk a little bit about detoxification. Detoxification is the concept of getting toxic materials out of your body and out of your skin. But it is such a widely used term that means many different things for many different people. Clearly we have a lot of toxic substances from pesticides to food colorings, to various toxins that are in the air from other reasons.

From our de-gassing formaldehyde,formaldehyde-like products, from all of our synthetics in the house, the carpets, the sofas, the paints, the glues. These are one kind of toxins. There are toxins from things that are seeping into your water, if you happen to be in an area where the aquifer is being aggravated by things that have been used industrially or in farming. Such as arsenals for potato and tobacco farming.

So you have to know a little bit about what’s going in in your area to find out even where your toxins are; which is why I don’t think there is one detoxification process that suits all people.

So just getting away from various toxins by eating healthier diet is a very important first step Eating fresh things that haven’t been sprayed and haven’t been colored and messed up in other ways. That’s really important. The next thing is understanding what might be something that you may have been exposed to by the history of where you’ve lived and what you have eaten. And what has preceded you getting sick.

And then finally, there are a lot of toxins coming from the organisms in your digestive system that are getting out inappropriately in the bloodstream in your lymphatic. So that can be determined also to some extent by what you have eaten, whether you have gotten worst after antibiotics or birth control pills, or other medications which indeed also can be another source of toxins. Various medicines that you take on a chronic basis.

So figuring out which things had gone on and then counteracting those things after you’ve eliminated them can make a big difference in what I believe to be true detoxification. So I recommend that you work with somebody that understands what’s going on and who you bring to the table, a good history of what you’ve been exposed to and what is preceding you getting worst. So that your detoxification is really a sensible and proper one.

Are Toxins Making You Fat? Time for a natural cleanse or detoxification.

Are Toxins Making You Fat? Time for a natural cleanse or detoxification.

Could toxins be contributing to your weight gain and to your difficulty in losing weight? Well, I think they are very likely. Let’s just talk about a few different ways in which they can.

First of all, we use a lot of different pesticides and preservatives in your food supply. And unless you are eating 100% pure foods that have been grown away from civilization, you probably have accumulated a lot of those.

Also from automobile exhaust, from various kinds of paints and chemicals that are used around the home and at work for spraying, for insecticides, and all sorts of industrial locations, even if you don’t spray at home.

All of these are sources of toxins that get into your environment, and into your body. And many of them are fat soluble. So that means they are stored in the compartment of your body. So when you start losing weight and fat cells break down and release the fat, what happens to the toxins that dissolve there?

Well, in the old days, fat reduction programs usually consisted of taking diet pills and drinking diet Tab. And smoking. And were accompanied by headaches and feeling bad. And why is that? It’s because you are concentrating those toxins and body has to deal with them and some of them are going to the brain and causing you to feel lousy.

Many of the weight loss programs today involve detoxification preparations that enhance the removal of fat toxins from the body. They support the livers and the kidneys, there are herbs that are used traditionally for that purpose for centuries, and those are incorporated in some of those diet systems.

Other sources of toxins include the bacteria that live in our large intestine, especially in abnormal bacteria that can back up into the small intestine, and get out through a leaky gut. Those kinds of toxins often cause some persons to have fatigue and not to feel good. And they may also be part of bloating and other disorders. So there are a number of totally different sources of toxins that are involved in the body.

Finally, there are heavy metals that are involved in our home environment including arsenic and cadmium and other metal toxins that have the ability to compete with the normal methods that are present in our enzyme systems which break down various substances and are part of our entire metabolic cycle. So if those enzymes get gummed up with toxic minerals, they just don’t work right. And then we begin to build up all the by-products that should have been converted and disposed of by our system. Still another way in which toxins can really mess up our system.

It is important to identify the issue so that we can use the proper means for removal. In any case, it’s really helpful to have somebody who knows what they are doing, both in taking your history, looking at you and  in doing testing in order to identify and help you get rid of the toxins that are in your body that are causing you to have difficulty losing weight and to not feel your normal self.

Cilantro: Great Food for Your Skin ~ Best Natural Skincare Diet

Herbs like cilantro can be very beneficial. They have a capability of binding out toxic metals like mercury and can help remove those from the body. The caution is that if you are very very sensitive to these metals, they move them out of privileged spaces and float them in your blood and possibly if you have enough damage to your blood-brain barrier, into your brain as well. So you need to know where you are in terms of your toxicity and your body load and your blood-brain barrier to know how to use these herbs for your benefit and make sure that they don’t cause problems.

Is Detoxification Necessary for Healthy Skin?

“Is detoxification a very important process with patients of yours?”

“That does have an important role in a lot of ways but I must say that the word as to physicians is kind of a red flag they see detoxification is bizarre because they’re not really saying what are you de toxic about, but when you really look carefully at the medical literature you see that there are a lot of different kinds toxicity that exist me from heavy metal toxicity to inability of the livers P 450 system for preparing altering bio transforming in getting rid of different substances that we take in like medications and in other chemicals. Toxins are real it’s just a word that is highly reactive word to my colleagues.”

What’s Toxic Wast Have to Do with You?

6a00e55255b4628834017d43214905970c-200wiIf you saw the movie The Incredible Shrinking Woman back in 1981, you’d have a comical view of how toxic chemicals might be affecting us. In the film, Lily Tomlin begins to shrink uncontrollably after being exposed to the wrong mix of chemicals in her home.

While this is an absurd and comical exaggeration, many chemicals do have mysterious and potentially toxic effects on the body. In fact, a large portion of the people who come to my holistic dermatology practice find their skin disease is somehow related to environmental toxins or allergens the body has come in contact with.

Toxins can be spread through the air and into the lungs, as side-stream smoke or factory pollution. They can come in the water, from plastic water bottles or leakage from factories into aquifers, or acid rain. They can come from the food we eat, in the form of pesticides, additive food colorings, flavorings, preservatives, or rancid oils. And they can come through the skin, from cosmetics, soaps, dish detergent, clothing dyes, etc. 

Please do not take this information as an argument that you should fear your environment. Humans are an adaptable race and will continue to live on regardless of toxins. But some of us will find our bodies have a harder time filtering out the increased toxins and allergens in our environment.

If an unexplained or un-treatable disease is affecting you, you can begin to arm yourself with detailed information about the chemicals you are exposed to in your daily life. Then, you have the opportunity to heal your condition. In the next blog, I’ll outline some alternatives to hazardous cleaning products.

To your health,

Dr. Alan M. Dattner, MD
Holistic Dermatology
New York, New York


As always, the content of this blog is for information and education purposes only, and should not be used to prevent, diagnose or treat illness; please see your physician for care.


Photo credit:

Guy Gorek / Foter.com