
Skin Conditions I Treat

The following are some examples of conditions and a word about ways I may treat them. Below them is a complete list of every condition I treat.

point_1 Acne Once thought to be caused by the foods teens ate, it is often treated today with oral antibiotics. The time-honored wisdom is returning, as dietary factors are again validated as contributing to acne through a variety of different metabolic mechanisms. I use supplements and techniques to help the digestive system to break down foods into non-allergic particles. When patients also change the types of fats they put into their bodies, which make they see a big difference in their acne.

point_1 Age spots and blemishes Some of these spots can be lessened or prevented by the right creams and internal treatments.

point_1 Aging and Wrinkles I am well-versed in the non-surgical and preventive techniques to help slow skin aging using supplements, vitamins, minerals, botanicals, enzymes, massage, relaxation, and inner focus techniques.

point_1 Alopecia areata Patches of hair loss, sometimes associated with stress, have an underlying autoimmune cause. Finding what has thrown the body into a reaction against itself is the key I use to unlock the condition.

point_1 Blemishes of the skin any notable discolorations, swellings, or marks on the skin, I treat holistically.

point_1 Dandruff (seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis) Flaking in the scalp, eyebrows and around face. When dandruff shampoos are not enough, it’s time to go for a deeper fix. Incidentally, I literally wrote the book on natural treatment of Seborrheic dermatitis, in the book Rakel’s Integrative Medicine.

point_1 Deficiency disease This is due to nutrients lacking in your diet and I treat it holistically by finding the most absorbable forms of nutrients to nourish your body.

desertpoint_1 Dry skin is a condition caused not only by bathing and what makes contact with the skin, but also with what you put in the body. If you have a problem which has truly not responded to all the best care with creams and lotions, you may want me to take a serious look at what is going on beneath the skin regarding your lipid metabolism.

point_1 Eczema Unquestionably an allergic condition, with food being among the larger sources of foreign material suspect for causing outbreak, or throwing the immune system into allergic overload. Changing the balance of essential fatty acids has been documented in the medical literature to play a role in some patients in helping eczema.

point_1 Fungus or ringworm may be related to exposure to people or animals with the same, and may be related to how much your body is exposed to molds, fungus, and yeast from inside and out. I’ve observed that integrating compelementary treatment with modern dermatologic treatment produces results superior to either method alone.

point_1 Hair loss Many factors that influence hair loss are possible to alter. Searching for those factors and making changes can complement more conventional treatments, and sometimes yield benefit where more conventional diagnostics and treatment was unsuccessful. Hair regrowth can occur with stimulation of blood supply, supplying of growth factors, removal of substances toxic to the metabolism of the hair follicle and shifting hormonal patterns forcing hair loss. The combination of herbs, supplemental enzymatic co-factors, pharmaceutical products and other treatments, tailored to the specific individual, has an unsurpassed likelihood to make a difference.

point_1 Hives (urticaria) An immediate immune response with moving red Wheals or hives. Often hives are a reaction to something entering the body orally or by inhalation. Antibodies cause histamine release when they meet the triggering foreign material or “antigen”. Some types of urticaria can cause swelling of the respiratory canal and lead to a fatal condition known as anaphylaxis. Conventional treatment includes antihistamines to reduce allergic swelling, and for more severe cases, administration of potent cortisone derivatives. Eliminating the cause is important, but the time and framework for good detective work is not usually available in a busy conventional practice.

point_1 Lymphoma (early lymphoma of the skin) I have had some success in treating early lymphoma of the skin, characterized by dense accumulation of white cells on biopsy.

point_1 Moles that are changing should always be evaluated carefully by a dermatologist, and I can include this in my evaluation.

nailspoint_1 Nail diseases Slow growth and splitting may respond best to an individually tailored supplement and nutrition program. Fungus clears best when you change general diet and other environment factors favoring the fungus growth. When I combine this with medical and chemical treatment, results improve above the norm.

point_1 Pityriasis lichenoides (PLEVA) I have had successes in treating this condition, which is conventionally considered to have no known cause.

point_1 Pityriasis rosea I treat this and other diseases of patterned, scaly rashes.

point_1 Psoriasis is a condition of thickened red skin patches, especially over joints and pressure points, which can be highly resistant to treatment. It is caused by an extremely rapid overgrowth of the skin in the patches, which in turn has been caused by an immune reaction targeted in that area. The immune reaction is well recognized to be stimulated by specific streptococcus bacteria, in some cases. I work with patients to change the conditions which stimulate their skin to react and get thick and inflamed. Patients may still continue on light treatments with their regular dermatologist, while they work with me, if they chose.

point_1 Rosacea is a chronic condition of redness and inflammation. I have had lots of success trerating rosacea as well as its underlying causes.

point_1 Shingles or Herpes Zoster (and its occasional sequel, post-herpetic neuralgia), is a painful blistering rash on one segment of the body caused by chicken pox virus. I use modern anti-viral pharmaceuticals complemented by a regimen of supplements and vitamin injections to help against the virus, the target of stress, the inflammation, and the nerve pain, tailored to the individual. The sooner treatment is begun, the better, in this condition.

womanfacepoint_1 Skin Cancer Prevention is the key here, and removal of skin cancer may give better results with supplements added to complement the wound healing and reduce the chances of new lesions.

point_1 Vitiligo is an auto immune condition causing patches of loss of pigment in the skin. Looking for and working on removing possible causes of allergy against oneself can help. So can helping the pigment cells work better.

point_1 Warts are a benign virus caused tumors which often can be kept under control by strengthening the immune system, in addition to removing them.


magnifyingglasspoint_1As a medical detective, I have had to solve problems for my patients and my family members, for which no solution was known to medicine. Where I have had dramatic success, I credit prayer and a network of collegues and consultants. The important question is whether I feel that I can work with the condition at hand, not how many times I have treated it successfully before. Each individual is unique in their genetic makeup, metabolism, and exposure experience. Had I required that answer of myself, I would not have been successful in helping many patients, friends, and family members. I applied the methods I know of going deeper into finding the underlying cause and fixing it. If I had only one method for fixing the cause for each specific disease, I would have been as unsuccessful as the doctor who tried before.

point_1Would you like to schedule an appointment? Click here.


Here is a complete list of the skin conditions I treat:

Acanthosis nigricans, Achrocordon- (Cutaneous papilloma, Cutaneous tag, Fibroepithelial polyp, Skin tag, Soft fibroma), Acne, Actinic cheilitis, Actinic dermatitis, Actinic keratosis, Acute and chronic urticaria, Adiposis dolorosa (Dercum’s disease), Alopecia areata, Androgenic alopecia, Angular cheilitis (perleche), Annular erythema, Aphthous stomatitis (canker sores), Barber’s Itch, Basal cell carcinoma, Bechet’s disease, Bee and wasp stings, Benign pigmented purpura, Biotin deficiency, Bowen’s disease, Callus (Callosity, Clavus, Corn, Intractable plantar keratosis), Candida, Candida intertrigo, Canker sores, Carotenemia, Cellulitis, Cheilitis, Chilblains (Pernio, Perniosis), Chronic actinic dermatitis (Actinic reticuloid, Chronic photosensitivity dermatitis, Persistent light reactivity, Photosensitive eczema), Colloid milium, Condyloma, Contact dermatitis, Coral cut. Cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia, Cutanouls streptococcal infection, Darier’s, disease, Demodex mites, Drug induced pruritis, Drug induced purpura, Drug-induced acne, Dyshydrosis, EBV- Epstein Bar Virus, Eczema, Endocrine, Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis, Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis (Ofuji’s disease, Sterile eosinophilic pustulosis), Epidermal cyst, Erosive pustualar dermatitis of the face, Erysipelas, Erythema ab igne, Erythema migrans, Erythema multiforem, Erythema multiforme, Erythrasma, Essential fatty acid deficiency, Eyelid dermatitis, fibroepithelioma, Fissured tongue, Fixed drug eruption, Folic acid deficiency, Folliculitis, Food induced purpura, Foreign body reaction, Friction blister, Frostbite, Fungal folliculitis, Fungal infection of skin, Furunculosis, Gangrene, Generalized erythema, Geographic tongue, Glossitis, Granuloma annulare, Green nail syndrome, Growths under the skin, Guttate psoriasis, Hand eczema, Hangnail, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Head lice, Henoch-Schonlein purpura (Anaphylactoid purpura), Herpes simplex, Herpes Zoster, Hirsuitism, Hyperhidrosis, Hypervitaminosis A, Hypothyroidism, Hypovitaminosis A (Phrynoderma), Infantile seborrheic dermatitis, Intertrigo, Iron deficiency, Keloids, keratoacanthoma, Keratosis pilaris, Kwashiorkor, Kwashiorkor. Leiner’s disease, Leukoplakia, Lichen planus, Lichen sclerosis et atrophicus, Lipoma, Livedo reticularis, Lupus erythematosis, Lycopenemia, Lymphangitis, Lymphoma cutis, Lymphomatoid papulosis, Male pattern baldness, Maple syrup urine disease, Marasmus, Melanoma, Melasma (Chloasma faciei, Mask of pregnancy), Miliaria, milium, milia, Molluscum, Molluscum contagiosum, Morphea- localized, Mucinosis, Mucosal lichen planus, Myxedema, Nail deformities, Neutrophilic dermatitis, Nevus, nevus sebaceous, Niacin deficiency (Pellagra, Vitamin B3 deficiency), Nodular vasculitis, Nutrition related, Nutritional deficiency eczema, Onycholysis, Onychomycosis fungus of nail, Onychoschizzia, Palmar keratoderma, Panniculitis, Paronycchia, Perioral dermatitis, Photosensitive drug eruptions, Phytophotodermatitis, Pityriasis lichenoides chronica (Chronic guttate parapsoriasis, Chronic pityriasis lichenoides, Dermatitis psoriasiformis nodularis, Parapsoriasis chronica, Parapsoriasis lichenoides chronica), Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta (Acute guttate parapsoriasis, Acute parapsoriasis, Acute pityriasis lichenoides, Mucha-Habermann disease, Parapsoriasis acuta, Parapsoriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta, Parapsoriasis varioliformis), Pityriasis rosea, Pityriasis rubra pilaris, Pityriasis simplex capillitii (Dandruff), Pompholyx, Popular dermatitis, Post-herpetic neuralgia, Prurigo nodularis, Prurigo simplex, Pruritis ani, Pseudofolliculitis barbae (Barber’s itch, Folliculitis barbae traumatica, Razor bumps, Scarring pseudofolliculitis of the beard, Shave bumps), Psoriasis vulgaris, Purpura, Pustular bacterid, Raynaud phenomenom, Sarcoidosis, sebaceous hyperplasia, Seborrheic dermatitis (Seborrheic eczema), Segmental vitiligo, Selenium deficiency, Solar erythema, Squamous cell carcinoma, Stasis dermatitis, steatocystoma, Steroid acne, Steroid folliculitis, Stretch Marks (striae), Subcorneal pustular dermatosis (Sneddon-Wilkinson disease), Superficial pustualr folliculitis, Sweet’s syndrome, Sycosis barbae, syringoma, Telangiectasia, Telogen effluvium, Thrush, Tinea capitus, Tineas pedis, sensitivity to plants, chemicals, solvents, medications, sunscreens, poison ivy, Trench foot, Trichoepithelioma, tricholemmoma, Urticaria, Verruca plantaris (plantar wart,) Verruca vulgaris (common wart,) Vitamin B1 deficiency (Beriberi, Thiamine deficiency), Vitamin B12 deficiency (Cyanocobalamin deficiency), Vitamin B2 deficiency (Ariboflavinosis, Riboflavin deficiency), Vitamin B6 deficiency, (Pyridoxine deficiency), Vitamin B6 excess (Pyridoxine excess), Vitamin C deficiency (Scurvy), Vitamin K deficiency, Vitiligo, Xerotic eczema (Asteatotic eczema, Eczema craquele, Winter eczema, Winter itch), Zinc deficiency, Zirconium granuloma, Zoster (Shingles)

Important notice-disclaimer: This material is presented for information purporses only. It is not intended to be used to either diagnose or treat disease.



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