3 Anti-Aging Diet Secrets
I want to talk a little bit more about anti-aging slowing the aging process and give you three anti-aging diet secrets.
Now you know we are all exposed to ultra violet light which causes aging of the skin. I’ve talked in a previous talk about how to protect yourself by external means and by timing, avoiding the harsh sun in order to keep from creating more damage.
And now I would like to talk about what you can do from the inside to protect yourself and from the inside they are various foods and food ingredients which are highly protective. Let me start with the carotenoids which are present in carrots and it’s interesting that the spectrum of products. It’s not just the isolated beta carotene is probably the best to take. So eating the whole carrot gives you spectrum of different carotenoids and eating other orange and red fruits and vegetables increases that spectrum of protectant antioxidants.
Let’s move on to the next category of bioflavonoid which are present in all kinds of leafy vegetables and fruits.
The bioflavonoid are also very prevalent in citrus fruits and especially in the pulp and in the white part inside the skin. So it’s not the juice so much but the entire fruit that contain those bioflavonoid. You should be sure to consume part of that.
Then, there is another class of antioxidants called proanthocyanidins and these are in the purple fruits and vegetables specially in the skin. And those are also present in certain other plants like ferns and concentrated these can be very powerful and very useful. But it’s also extremely important to have these in your foods where, they act naturally to protect you just as they protect the plants from the sunshine. Because, you know, you take a plant out in the sunshine before it’s fully developed the sun will kill it.
So they developed also the green chlorophyll and the develop these various antioxidants in a whole spectrum in order to protect themselves, and you want to eat those to help protect you. These are some great anti-aging diet secrets.