Has Your Acne Treatment Stopped Working? ~ Natural Acne Treatment

Has Your Acne Treatment Stopped Working?

Acne drugs are antibiotics. Because of that, there’s a possibility that the wrong kinds of bacteria or yeast have overgrown in your intestinal tract. You need to remedy that overgrowth so that it doesn’t cause a cascade of problems that makes your acne worse.

The first thing to address is to do whatever is necessary to restore a more normal population of bacteria in your digestive tract and gut.

You may need to make some changes to eat a cleaner diet which basically involves more steamed vegetables and less sugar and dairy.

And finally, your issue is related to hormone activity, you’ve got to reassess all the factors that are aggravating your acne hormonally. Sometimes, that means taking various kinds of herbs and making dietary changes, so that you correct hormonal problems, which can happen when, for example, you are stop and start taking birth control pills. These are a few of the things to consider when your traditional acne treatment stops working, and you are ready to begin looking at natural acne treatment.