What is Metabolic Syndrome? Treat weight gain naturally.
Sometimes people come into see me with inflammatory skin disease. And they also have increased abdominal girth. It’s wider around their belly than even around their hips. And that goes along with a number of other things including high blood pressure, elevated blood glucose, insulin metabolism issues, and sometimes hypertension as well. But the main stay of it that is most important for me, is that they also have an increased tendency towards inflammation, and we sometimes call this metabolic syndrome.
The problems that can develop with insulin and sugar metabolism are contributing to this. So, those things have to be reversed including weight loss by cutting down on sugar and simple carbs in order to calm down the total inflammation in the body and get the skin problems under control.
And the side effects from this are tremendous benefits to cutting down on all these other problems that can lead to illness and earlier death. So looking at the patient as a whole person, looking at yourself as a whole person, and correcting metabolic syndrome and excessive weight loss, excessive weight can be a major benefit to treating yourself holistically to get better from your skin problems.