The problem with quick-fixes for acne. Part 2


See a physician like Dr. Dattner if your skin lesions become exacerbated.

Another unintended danger of reading acne blogs is that you may fail to get examined by a dermatologist or other physician when lesions arise that you interpret as acne may perhaps be due to some other, more serious cause. This could include Staphlococcus or Strep infections which have the danger of spreading externally or worse, internally.

These lesions could also include skin syndromes that you do not recognize that require further diagnosis and treatment. If there is anything unusual about your acne, or if you feel otherwise ill when you develop it, it is best to get it checked out by a dermatologist or other doctor. It is really important to know if something else is going on instead of what you interpreted to be acne, and make sure that condition gets treated properly.

To your health,

Dr. Alan M. Dattner, MD

Holistic Dermatology & Integrative Medicine

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