Radiant Skin from the Inside Out: A Natural Skincare Bible


Gain control over skin disorders, and take your own guided journey toward better health.


Alleviate conditions involving inflammation of all other organ systems of the body as well. With my emphasis on nutritional influence on the immune system, this book will help heal individuals with allergy, autoimmune diseases, and chronic inflammatory diseases which can result in chronic pain, premature aging, and obesity.


It is estimated that 22 million Americans have some form of autoimmune disease. Recent articles in highly respected peer reviewed medical journals suggest that environmental factors including food allergens, chemicals, infection, and stress lead to sensitization of one’s immune system to their own body chemicals on the path to autoimmune disease.


This book throws off the shackles of conventional medical thinking while keeping the sense of the science behind the clinical practice, to give the reader both a guidebook and a working information space on which to take their own skin condition-guided journey toward better health. And in my own small way, I hope to shift the paradigm of Modern Medicine away from symptom suppression toward a truly holistic resolution of the underlying concert of issues.

Michael Pollan’s book In Defense of Food elegantly and radically shifted the American zeitgeist about the interrelatedness of agro-business, eating, environmentalism, and health. Heal Your Skin, Heal Your Life has been published to educate the public to create a similarly radical shift in how we view the interrelatedness of the skin, eating, health, the insurance industry, the traditional medical establishment, and holistic health care. By doing so, we greatly expand the number of people who will be able to choose other options for treating their skin and chronic diseases.


My philosophy places real responsibility both on the individual to make better choices and for the government and industry to actually offer a healthier and less toxic environment and food supply. By helping individuals experience the reality of damaging environmental factors affecting both their skin and their lives, they not only have the opportunity to get better safely at a more fundamental level, but also see the importance of grappling with these issues on a local and global scale. Only a widespread consciousness of these factors can avert the growing environmental disaster we have been building. This book can help bring about the personal revolution to do your part in changing the world.


Heal Your Skin, Heal Your Life will be available in 2014