Acne Rosacea… Is it bugging you?

6a00e55255b462883401a3fcb2f206970b-200wiAnother inhabitant of the skin and hair follicles is named Staphylococcus Epidermitis. This form of staph is as common as robins in springtime; that is to say most people have this organism living on their skin.

Nevertheless, there is at least one report on rosacea that seems to be related to it. Whether the individual had some sort of immune defect, or the bacteria had some genetic variation, there is an inflammation caused by it.

There are many other organisms that share the skin, and Staphylococcus epidermitis is valuable because it is a benign bacteria that usually not only does not cause harm: it also occupies the niche so that harmful bacteria cannot find a place to grow. Unfortunately, even this “friend” can sometimes be a bad actor. Here’s a reference to the study.

More on rosacea and natural acne treatment soon.

To Your Health,

Dr. Alan M. Dattner, MD

Holistic Dermatology & Integrative Medicine

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