Holistic Dermatology at the American Academy of Dermatology meeting?

Depositphotos_4519852_xsI just returned from the American Academy of Dermatology meeting with lots of new information from the host of sessions I attended. I will present a series of blogs from my experience at this meeting in the upcoming months. On the exhibit hall floor, many products from skin care companies appeared for the first time.

Products which I have been using in my alternative medicine practice for the past 15 to 20 years. What an affirming surprise to find how far ahead of the curve I have been, and to see that methods I have been practicing are finally catching on.

One product, which appeared in various forms, was homeopathic Arnica for post operative healing and pain prevention. In some cases it was sold with or combined with the enzyme bromelain. I was reassured to see that I had been using this at least 20 years ago, that my correct insights had been confirmed.

Sadly, Still Using Only the Western Model

Unfortunately, although products I have used are appearing, the philosophy and understanding with which I employ
these seems to be sorely lacking. Probiotics (healthy bacteria, like acidophilus) were both praised and questioned for use in treating atopic dermatitis.

Despite multiple positive studies, skeptics mentioned one study in which children’s dermatitis actually did worse
with probiotics. But no consideration was given in the study regarding which diets corresponded to counteracting yeast and helping the probiotics work better.

Now that alternative medicine supplements are being accepted into traditional medicine, researchers are creating
studies on them, but are treating these supplements in the same way they treat pharmaceuticals. So the idea of having a magic pill that cures everything still seems to float above the concept of treating the whole person, which is what I continue to do and promote as a holistic dermatologist.

To your health,
Alan M Dattner, MD


As always, the content of this blog is for information and education purposes only, and should not be used to prevent, diagnose or treat illness; please see your physician for care.

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